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"상상 속 아마 우린 늑대와 미녀 가타 ah"- Dramama , Monsta X

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"상상 아마 우린 늑대와 미녀 가타 ah"- Dramama , Monsta X

The bright yellow sun began to sneak in into the opened window, with birds chirping out in the distance. Sleeping on the wooden bed was a maiden dreaming soundly as life passed her by.

But it wasn't just any maiden, it was Akira. When the booked sucked her in, she was still asleep and unbothered. The book sucked her in the story which she was reading before she fell asleep. At least she wasn't sucked into the story of sleeping beauty though.

As the sun began to hit her eyes, she began to groan and hid under the covers. "Yuta stop my class doesn't start until..." realization came in as she had class this morning and fluttered her eyes really quickly, taking the sheets off her. "ねえ, Yuta you didn't-"

Her words came to a halt as she saw her unfamiliar surroundings . The brown colored walls were not the same as her purple ones back home. Nor was the same pictures on the walls , the vanity, etc. Fear came to her as she could have been kidnapped, but she looked underneath the sheets to see she clothed, but in a different matter.

"Okay ... what the hell is going on?", she asked herself as she got out of the bed to get a better look at her surroundings. A dark brown bookshelf was next to the full sized bed whom the blanket had colorful designs, which was clearly next to the window. A a brown vanity with a bronze colored chair, looking like it came from the ages. Looking at the window to get a better look, she saw she was surrounded by lushness of trees. It clicked to her she was in the forest. But the forests look nothing alike back home in Korea nor in Japan. Now this made Akira worry, as she wondered where she really was.

"Okay , Okay calm down", she reassured herself so that way she wouldn't panic so easily. "There has to be a explanation for this. Maybe I'm in a dream and I'm going to wake up. Yeah that's it." She closed her eyes and pinched herself, hoping she'd be back in Korea with her brother in their lovely home. When she opened her eyes, nothing changed. Now Akira was panicking on the inside, what if she really was kidnapped?

Seeing the book she was reading last night, she remembered Mr. Song's words. Magic. It couldn't be magic, could it? Opening the book , she flipped some pages before something caught her eye. A girl, eerily looking exactly like Akira was in the forest, wearing a red cape. Gasping in realization, she put the book down and saw the red cape hanging loosely on the chair.

She was in the story of little red riding hood.


"But how was that possible?", she asked herself. " I was reading , then I fell asleep and the next I'm in a fairytale book." How could a book , a innocent looking book send her all the way to the fairytale world? She didn't wanted to believe it, but there was no other explanation. Looking around for more clues, she decided to change as she would be exploring the realm soon.

She worse a white dress with shoulder sleeves , with a black corset on top it , with the bottom skirt of the first layer was red while the second layer was white , wearing with her outfit black leggings and to top it off, black boots. She was disappointed she didn't find pants, but this would do.

All of a sudden, her 'mother' came barging in. She had the face of worry, yet Akira knew what she was going to say. She memorized the story a million times after all.

"Red! Your grandmother is very sick", she said, giving Akira a basket full of goodies for her 'grandmother' to have. "I want you to go to her cottage and give this to her."

Mustering the best fake smile she could put, Akira nodded. "Of course, mother. Anything for granny." It sounded so fake, yet real at the same time. She knew her real grandmother on her mother's side didn't really get along with Akira due to... many reasons. And honestly, she didn't care. Not her problem she couldn't handle the truth.

"Oh and one more thing", she said before exiting. "Be careful of the forest. I want you to take the right path, okay?"

Akira gulped before she forgot. The wolf in the story. Now she was mortified for her life as she wasn't the biggest fan of them. She could handle dogs like pitbulls, etc but wolves made her panic on the inside. Nodding slowly, she pulled a fake smile. "Don't worry mother, I will get it to grandma."

Wearing the infamous red cloak, she decided to put the book in the basket, so it'd be easier to carry. Going into the woods, she was in awe to so many trees and bushes flourishing. The flowers of pink , blue , red , yellow were flouring with life in them. The fresh air was there too.

"Alright Akira, you got this", she said as she carefully looked around her surroundings. "We just have to get this to "grandmother's" house . How bad can it be?"

Going into the forest, she noticed how the woods all of a sudden became so dark. It wasn't even night, yet the darkness seemed to climb over the highlight of the trees.

Akira began to look at the bushes as she continued to walk. "Geez, why the sudden change of the woods?", she spoke to herself. "It didn't matter, there was no going back now."

Going down the path, she sighed as she went down a couple more feet. She put the basket down as she looked at the book. She was still in shock as the book showed Akira walking through the forest. When Mr. Song said the book was magical , she didn't believe him, not until now. Akira had more questions then answers to be honest.

"I don't get it", Akira said to herself. "Why would Mr. Song keep this book from so long? Did his daughter knew about it? What if they were other monsters in this story ?" She put the book back in the forest and kept walking now deeper into the forest. "What if it is not what it seems here? What's next, the big bad wolf comes up here?", she thought.

As she spoke too soon, she heard ruffled noises in the bushes. She got spooked before a sigh of relief came out as it was just a white bunny, shaking the excess dirt of its fur. "Get it together , Akira", she chuckled nervously. " The wolf doesn't appear here in this chapter so calm down. We can make it a few miles longer without seeing it."

Speaking of the devil himself, She heard a low growl near her.Akira gulped. She slowly turned around , her eyes widened in fear as she saw see a black wolf with golden yellow eyes growling lowly at her.

Stay tune for the next chapter!
I'm sorry if it was a short chapter :(

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