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Chapter 12: Music, Dancing and Crushes galore
Day 1.

It was already morning and the sky was chirping...

Yet Akira still didn't had her voice.

As the maiden got out of bed, she saw a beautiful sky blue dress with brown sandals and a seashell necklace on the chair next to the bed. On top of the dress, sat a note written for Akira.

Good morning! Since you're pretty much new
Here , I decided to take you a tour of our kingdom! See you soon cutie <3.
- 지민

Her heart fluttered at the note as she put on her slippers and went downstairs. She saw breakfast was served with delicious waffles with freshly cut fruit, some tea and yogurt to the side. But sitting across was the meal itself, Prince Jimin. Noticing Akira, he waved at her with a smile.

Gosh that darn smile. It made her heart race.

"Good morning Miss! Chef Jin made some breakfast if you don't mind", he said while sipping his tea. "Come sit!"

Akira wasted no time and sat down. She was admiring the details of the glassware, noticing it was real China. She gently grabbed a fork and began to cut her waffles , afterwards pouring syrup and eating the waffle. She moaned at how good it was , making the prince chuckle.

"I'm glad you like it. We will be going around town today! Are you nervous?"

Akira shook her head as she munched her food.  God it was so good, but she was ready for an adventure.

"I know you can't talk, but I... you look like someone I know..", he said as Akira began to get excited. She nodded and motioned Jimin to proceed on where he was going with this.

Jimin looked closely at Akira before shaking his head. "Maybe... I don't know. You look like her... but I don't know if you're her." Akira sunk back into her chair, frustration taking over her. So close, yet so far.

"This is going to take awhile", she thought while sadly munching on her strawberries.


Now in the town square, the young girl looked around the town as she and Jimin walked around. Shops and markets were popular around here, with vendors trying to sell their stuff to the common folk. Yeah, the typical that was also seen back home.

But the buildings gave off a aesthetic 1850's vibe to it. Almost as if she was living in that time era herself. She was too awed with the beauty of Jimin's town, she failed to see Jimin glancing every now and then to her. Something about this girl... she looked familiar. Like the girl in his dreams haunting him every night now. He was so confused on who saved him, that he failed to see he bumped into a light stand. Akira silently laughed and helped him up, knowing how he was still a child on the inside.

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