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"The human world, it's a mess"- Sebastian, little mermaid

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"The human world, it's a mess"- Sebastian, little mermaid


Long ago, west of the kingdom of Rosae, there was the forest of magic. The forest of magic is where most of the fairies resided. Fairies born and raised there practice the embodiment of every magic.

Good magic at least.

Two fairies, both lovers were wondering around, late in the evening. For who knows what, one may never know. Perhaps they were looking at the starry sky, perhaps they were going to get food. No one knows really.

And all of a sudden, a wail of a baby was heard.

"What was that?", the fairy asked, looking at her lover.

The other fairy who was holding a lantern in her hand as a guide looked around to see where the sound was coming from. "Over there! I hear it!"

The two fairies went north to find where the sound was. The wail got louder and louder. Suddenly, they saw a faint purple light shine above the grass. The two fairies went to the source of the light.

"Be careful", whispered one of the fairies. "What if it's poisonous?"

The other fairy looked at her lover and laughed. "Don't be silly." Her lover went behind her as the other fairy carefully removed the grass in front of her . As she got to the source of the glow, both fairies could not believe what they saw.

In a basket made out of the finest materials, laid an infant wailing for her parents. She was covered in a dark purple blanket but her clothing was white.

"Oh my, Chaeyeong, it's a poor baby", the fairy said as she went to the infant who was still wailing. Inside the basket however, there was a note. "And look, here is a note."

"What does it say Aisha?", the fairy named Chaeyeong asked. Aisha gently grabbed the note and read it out loud:

"To whoever finds this, we are most likely dead. This is our daughter, Seulgi. Please take care of her."

Aisha looked around to see if there was a signature.

Nothing was found.

Aisha gently scooped the infant out of the basket with her blanket still attached and began to rock her gently, which made Seulgi stop wailing. "Chaeyeong, this poor baby must have been the only survivor of whatever happened to her family." She looked at her lover. "Do you know what this means?"

Chaeyeong shook her head, confused to Aisha's choice of words. "What does it mean?"

Aisha gently booped the baby's nose, making it giggle. "It means, the universe might have heard us after all. We have been wanting a family for so long and I think this might be it."

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