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"뭘 기다리고 있어"- NCT's Highway to heaven

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" 기다리고 있어"- NCT's Highway to heaven

•It was a cold stormy night in the middle of fall in Osaka, Japan. Viewing the rain pouring heavily, 8 year old Nakamoto Akira sighed. The whole family was asleep and she had such a fear of thunderstorms ever since she could long remember. Sleeping now, would be a challenge.

As the thunder rumbled heavily like big drums used in a school band , Akira yelped in fear and hid under her covers. She could feel tears forming into her eyes and she started shaking. She was too scared to call for her mom and dad as they would scold her to go back to sleep.

Then another crash of thunder came rolling in, making the girl clutch her bed sheets so tightly, she could feel herself slightly suffocating. But what she failed to hear was footsteps creeping in like a spy in a James Bond movie. Too distracted with her trying to comfort herself as she rocked back and forth, two hands suddenly pulled away her blanket, nearly making the girl scream in surprise before realizing , it's her brother Yuta. A wave of relief came over to her, before hugging her brother.

"I'm here , Akira it's okay", he replied with a soft voice, rubbing his sister's back. "It's okay, big brother Yuta is here."

Sniffling, Akira cried softly on his shoulder. She was really embarrassed that she was crying over her fear. But sooner or later it was going to happen.

"I-I'm sorry", she mumbled. "I can't sleep and the storm is really strong now.

Yuta sighed as he released from the embrace with a small frown. "I know, it will be hard getting you to sleep since we have a trip tomorrow." Thinking of ways he could get her to sleep without their parents interrupting, a lightbulb lit up in 11 year old Yuta's head.

"How about I read you something?", he suggested with a small grin. "I could read you something that distracts you from the rain and boom fast asleep." With that suggestion, Akira began to grin widely. She loved it when someone read to her. Her imagination went beyond when she could image whatever words her brother read to her out loud.

Yuta's grin got wider, seeing as the grin on his sister's face meant a yes. Going to her ivory colored bookshelf, he wanted to read to Akira something so simple, yet a story where a child could dream. Seeing the dark brown colored spine with golden lettering for the word FAIRYTALES, he was satisfied with what he looked for and grabbed the book.

Seeing that Yuta would be reading fairytales made Akira more excited. I mean, who wouldn't love hearing the prince rescuing the princess? Or magic spells being shown around. Scrambling back to her bed , she could not contain her excitement.

Her dark brown eyes were big as saucers, but you could see the stars in her eyes, the innocence of a child waiting to be told a story. "What will you be reading to me, big brother?", she asked, hugging her stuffed purple monkey.

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