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" Even the wolf can dare to dream

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" Even the wolf can dare to dream."

The news that a supernatural creature did this wasn't shocking, but to Kihyun it did. He analyzed the room over and over to see how someone viciously could have done this.

"In all my years, I have never seen someone be so... vicious. And when Changkyun gets mad, this isn't compared to what he has done." Changkyun glared at the Huntsman.

"Oh , fuck you too Kihyun."

"Guys", Akira replied getting irritated at the two men in front of her. "You arguing isn't going to solve the mystery on who would do this."

Going further into the house, they could see the bodies of huntsmen. No children nor women were among the bodies, which suggested the wolf was chased and led them here where it would eventually slaughter them all. The back door eerily was not touched, but this confused Changkyun as normally wolves would escape on the opposite side, not in the entrance of the house.  They had to be careful not to step the bodies. But there was so much blood.

A pool of it. The color of wine, it made you wonder how did it happen.

"I don't think a regular werewolf would have done this", Changkyun said as he examined the splattered blood. "Someone must have given it superpower, but ... werewolves can cause damage , but not to the point where it wants to rip of the whole base of the house." Kihyun and Akira gasped at this information being presented.

"So does that mean it's done this recently?", asked Akira before Changkyun faced her.

"By the looks of it yes. It looks like it did the damage no further then 10 minutes ago." Akira swore she felt chills run down her spine.

"But here's the thing, how do we know if it's still here?", Kihyun asked making Changkyun hands turn into fists of frustration ready to punch the dude.

"Because I can sense them if they're here or not", Changkyun responded bluntly, making Kihyun punch him in the arm. The two men began bickering again before Akira got tired of their bullshit and went to the bedroom of her "grandmother."

The bedroom was not bloody as the others because it was untouched. She checked her infamous bed to see if there was a corpse there. The plaited sheet still was untouched and the closet was opened, but no signs of anything unusual. What was weird is that in the bodies present at the front, her grandmother wasn't none of them. So where on earth could she be? The thing is , the kitchen had 2 bodies while the main room had 8. So 10 people were killed here at this house. The bodies laid in the main room and kitchen like if they were lured there and had little to no chance of making it out.

But why?

What was the actual reason?

Trying to look for any more clues, she saw that the window was open. She decided to close it before she saw something shining in the bushes. Akira's body told her not to go, but she felt something in her gut had to check it out. Debating for a few minutes, she decided to go see what it was.

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