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Chapter Five: Backstory

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Chapter Five: Backstory

"Would you run away, even if it hurts?"- Kelly Clarkson, dark side

She couldn't believe what she was hearing. The fairytale world was in danger? Now this was a story Akira was in the mood for listening.

"It's a long story that I may or may not tell you", he responded cheekily before Akira pouted. "Awe come on, Changkyun, please!?"



"What are the magic words?"


Changkyun faked cough before Akira rolled her eyes and sighed. "And changkyun is a cutie."

Changkyun pinched her cheeks before booping her nose , making the girl a bit flustered. "You're too cute to resist. But I'll tell you the story. It all started long ago really because let's just say, there was someone wasn't satisfied with their role." Akira's curiosity as she nodded for Changkyun to proceed. Who was this person who hated their role? I mean, sure, you have Sleeping Beauty sleeping for a hundred years and a selfish prince turning into a beast til he finds love , heck even the Swan Queen who has to be a swan forever, but those people probably didn't hate it. Did they? Changkyun looked at Akira while rubbing his chin. "Do you know who the dark fairy is?"

Akira nodded. The dark fairy was the fairy not invited to the birthday party in the story of Sleeping Beauty and cursed the poor sweet babe to sleep for a hundred years. Yeah, that was her.

"Well, a long time ago, the dark fairy cursed sleeping beauty to sleep for a hundred years ,야? But let's just say she wasn't satisfied with her cursing sleeping beauty. She wanted more power, to rule the fairytale kingdom as her own. The dark fairy was a envious soul alright, and she wanted the things she could not have , like money, health, and power. So her envy consumed her and she cursed the land."

Akira nearly couldn't believe what she was hearing. Dark fairies sounded evil, but that one just took the cake. Did that mean even this story was cursed? And so, how?

"All worlds are cursed by the dark fairy", Changkyun continued. "Wonderland's magic is draining, seas are going chaotic, hidden kingdoms are locked away and this one, everything good turns into something bad." Akira could tell there was frustration and sadness in Changkyun's voice, which was now unusual as Akira was used to his flirty dementor. He was hesitated to tell Akira something before he sighed. "The dark fairy's curse cursed my family and now, we are werewolves."

Now this was unexpected. She thought the wolf was just a regular werewolf where on the full moon he turns into a wolf and the rest he was a human because he was born into a line of werewolves, not because he was cursed.

"Changkyun I'm so-"

"Don't apologize", he responded bluntly, making the girl slightly wince at his sudden response. "You weren't here to stop it." Changkyun looked away for a moment. "Long story short, my grandfather was in debt and just as he was dying, the dark fairy was there.But he didn't know at the time the curse she placed, was a werewolf curse. he explained. My grandfather though it was a temporary thing, before he realized when my dad was young it was generational. Then there was me, being born with werewolf blood in me, now transforming every full moon. So for eternity, I'm stuck into a werewolf until I.. die or something. This curse was placed more than 20 years ago, long before the Dark Fairy cursed this land.

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