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Chapter 11: Part of the human world

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Chapter 11: Part of the human world

"Wish I could be, part of your world"- Ariel, the little mermaid , 1989

It was already sunset by the time Akira had reached the coast. And to say, that was a workout with her arms sore as hell.

But even with her nude body which thankfully she was sitting in the water so no one would see her bottom part and luckily she still had her seashell bra. Namjoon and Hoseok still supported her. Yoongi was semi- supportive, he just questioned why the girl did it.

Either because she was stupid or she clearly hated the mermaid life. But Akira wished she could explain to them that she wasn't from here. But now she can't as she was voiceless.

"So this is Akira?", Hoseok asked Namjoon as he nodded. Akira tried to manage to stand, but her legs were wobbly and fell into the water, making Yoongi sigh.

Akira was confused. She was human, so why couldn't she stand properly when she was a human in the first place? She knows how to walk but it's like the story doesn't want to let her walk.

And Because that's the way the story is supposed to go. It's very limited and she hated following the rules of the story.

"Akira, sit down you might hurt yourself", Namjoon warned, making Akira sigh and crossing her arms, looking at the three males in front of her.

Namjoon looked at both males and chuckled sheepishly. "Oh right , Akira I forgot to introduce them to you, the guy with the blonde is Yoongi and the guy with the brown hair is Hoseok." Both males waved at Akira while Akira waved back with a small grin, even though it disappeared as she looked down at her feet. She was having trouble and didn't know what to do, she can't explain these things without a.) her voice and b.) they're in the fairytale world, so it wouldn't make sense to Namjoon, Yoongi nor Hoseok.

"This girl has three days to make someone fall in love with her", Yoongi commented as he swam next to her. "It's going to be impossible."

Hoseok went to Yoongi's side and put his arm around him. "Look on the bright side, at least she can explore the land and show us what the pointy thing humans use to eat their food."

"You mean a fork Hobi?", Namjoon asked, brows raised.

Hoseok looked at Namjoon with a surprised look. "Is that what it's called?" Both Yoongi and Namjoon facepalmed, making Akira snicker lowly.

"Okay focus everyone", Namjoon declared getting both of the males attention. "How will we get Akira to land if she is.." he stopped and looked at her before clearing his throat. "You know... not clothed. Is there any ideas?"

Hoseok began to clap. "We can try seaweed."

Yoongi rolled his eyes. "Seaweed will stick temporarily. And there's not much here on the coastal lines."

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