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▃▃▃▃Chapter 9: Illusions

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Chapter 9: Illusions


"Mom I feel weird."

Aisha looked at her daughter Seulgi, who was now seven years of age. The young Seulgi was now covered in scratches and bandages all over her pale legs and her mom Chaeyeong just finished putting on her bandages. Both mothers were concerned to why Seulgi got so much scratches and bruises for a young seven year old.

"Sweetie I don't think you're weird", Aisha said as she knelt in front of her daughter, grabbing her face gently. "What makes you say that?"

Seulgi shrugged. "The kids at school tell me that." My magic is very different from them. Every time I try to do good magic, it always fails."

Chaeyeong and Aisha looked at each other, realizing their fears had now come alive. Their daughter was getting bullied in school for having different magic. They knew at a young age when Seulgi started practicing her power, it was very different from all the other fairies. For example, a fairy's magic would normally be gold, a light blue, pink, red or green for example.

But Seulgi's was a light purple. It was out of the ordinary for a fairy to have light purple magic. And the kids teased her for it. And the teasing soon later transformed into bullying.

"I don't think you're different", Chaeyeong commented as she cleaned Seulgi's wound before looking at Seulgi. "I think you're unique."

Seulgi tilted her head, confused at her mother's comment. "Unique?"

Chaeyeong nodded. "Yes unique."

"What does that mean?", Seulgi asked before wincing at the alcohol that was cleaning her wound.

"It means you're special", Aisha explained with a warm smile. "You have abilities that the other fairies don't. That is what makes you special."

Seulgi shrugged, looking away. "I don't know, I don't feel special. I wish I was like the other fairies with doing their pretty magic."

"Sometimes being unique is awesome", Chaeyeong said as she finished wrapping the bandages on Seulgi's leg. "How would you feel if everyone had the same power as you?"

Seulgi thought for a moment of her mother's question. To be honest, if everyone had the same magic as hers, she wouldn't feel unique. She would feel bored and lonely too.

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