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Y/n's Pov

Plenty of bottles of liquor found on my dad's desk. Lately, he is often drunk, perhaps to relieve stress and to forget about the problem he is currently experiencing.

He fell asleep on his working tables and a pile of paperwork was scattered on his worktable.

I stare at him and heave a heavy sigh. I worried sick about him and the same goes with my mom.

"Appa? Are you okay?" I gently shook his shoulder. He slowly opens his eyes and looks at me with full of concern.

"No, honey. I'm not okay. I don't know how to solve this and how can I pay them back. I lost millions of wons and I have to pay them in dollars. Today the owner of the KNJ will come to our company, he wanted to collect his debt." He says as he pinches his nose bridge.

"I wish I could help you, appa... But I promise you I will try to help you."

"You're such a good daughter, y/n. What do I possess to have a good and obedient daughter like you?"

"You're the best appa that I've ever wanted too. Please don't be sad and stop torturing yourself like this. You're getting old, your body couldn't handle the amount of alcohol you took."

"You really looking down on me huh? You knew I'm a good drinker." He lightly laughs.

"Yeah, I knew that..." I can't help but laugh with him too.

I really despise that bastard billionaire, first he agreed to give a loan to my dad and not long after that, he opens his own new telecommunication company in Seoul complete with new technologies and plenty of vacancy with good pay.

I remember how happy my dad was when he got the loan, he was like winning a lottery and the only thing he wanted to do was to expand our company.

He wanted to open a new branch in all over the country but all his dreams have been destroyed by that bastard billionaire.

I know he purposely does that just to drag down my dad's company, now our company having a financial crisis.

I will find a way to solve this problem even it takes some times but I'm pretty sure I can help my dad with this. I can't stand seeing him torture himself and live in miserable.

I can feel the inferno inside of me whenever my dad mentions about him.

From earth to Pluto, that's how much I despise that man. It was boundless. What has my dad done wrong to him until he wants to destroy my dad?

I can't wait to see this mysterious bastard billionaire. I bet he's just another old man, a casanova old man and thinking about him makes me cringe.

Demian Emanuel Kim, 26, featured as one of the most infamous businessmen and The World Most Eligible Billionaire Bachelor in Elle Men magazine. A half Korean-Spanish gentleman, he's full package young, dashing, wealthy and the most important is SINGLE. The most highly requested in the market. He's the most infamous and influential man in the business. He can fly enormous planes, drives a fast car and a model for the most famous clothing brands. Good looking is all in the package. He got the power in conquering the world of business.

Damn it! He got the bad boy vibe on him, but for me, he's just another useless womanizer, who thinks he's perfect and can buy woman's love with his dirty money.

If he is that crucial and famous, how can I never heard about him before?

I gasp when I read all the information about him. Yes! I googled him. It's not a crime, I'm just curious about a man that trying to destroy my dad.

I thought he's an old man but the truth is he's actually pretty young and good-looking. He looks really familiar except his eyes color, blue. He got a pair of gorgeous eyes.

There's no way he's Namjoon, in fact, they got different eyes color and he's a billionaire, the only grandson of the respectable man, Kim Yong-Gun.

Namjoon is just a simple boy with a next-door boy style, not a 'Hola Papi' kinda vibe. Maybe having the same birth date as Namjoon was just a coincidence.

His facial structure a bit sharp and emphasize the shape of his face. The way he smiles remind me of Namjoon also he got that perfect pair of deep dimples.

My heart started to race, other than excited I somehow felt fear of this man. I don't know why but I can feel something might happen to me.

I collect all of my files after I have done stalk all about this mysterious man and walk out of my office. It's 9:50 in the morning, he could be here in any minutes now and I better get ready for the meeting before he comes I still have 10 minutes to fix my hair and makeup.

Demian Emanuel Kim, his names kept slipped through my mouth. I don't realize how powerful he has, even I didn't even meet him before but I fear of him already.

I can't imagine how his voice sounds like, must be deep timbre with a little bit of Spanish accent. But nothing about him can be compared to my only one, Kim Namjoon.

Namjoon's Pov

I groan and throw all of my Armani suit on the floor. "Why did you pack this ugly suit? I don't want to look too dashing and casanova kinda look. I want it simple and not luxury!" I literally yell at Jisub.

"Sir, this your usual suit and you always wear this suit to work." He replies.

"I don't want anything flashy like this!" I pointed at the finest suit I have, it was a dark grey Gucci suit that I got from France last few weeks. "I don't wear this!"

"But you wore it last week sir..." He smirks at me as he lightly laughs.

I glare at him and heaved a heavy sigh. I don't know why my mood kinda off today, maybe I'm too nervous in fact that I will meet her in about 10 minutes and here I am didn't wear anything yet still in my towel with my soaked hair and moist.

I'm going to meet her after 8 years, my wild imagines started running in a circle inside of my head and I can't think straight right now. I still remember the last day when I met her and I still embraced that sweet moment until now.

That time she was sweet 16, a naive little princess but now I wonder how does she look like. She's my dream girl when I was in high school. All about her can drive me crazy.

"Wear this, I'm sure that her eyes will glue on you, sir." Jisub hand me a simple black suit, black slack pants, and a white long sleeve shirt.

"Don't irritate me, Jisub. I won't hesitate to fire you, I don't care that you saved my life once." I say as I grab the suit in his hand.

Y/n's Pov

He stands in the doorway like a dark angel. His jet-black hair neatly pomades and brushed backward.

His expensive self-tailored suit matching his maroon necktie completing the hard perfection of his features.

His eyes are trained on my face and his lips are curved in a slight smile. He's stunning and utterly intimidating.

My instincts had been right, this man is capable of anything.

"Ladies and gentleman, pardon me for my late. Let's start our meeting now."

His deep hoarse voice and a little bit of Spanish accent as I expected to cause goosebumps to erupt all over my skin.

"Nice to meet all of you and especially you, Miss Lee Y/n..." He says but he whispers my name at the end of his sentences.

This is not a good start.

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