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Y/n's Pov

He is crazy! He is a madman! I fucking hate this man! He cannot force me to marry him. Why can't he just get that through his fucking thick skull?

"What?! I'm not going to come with you!" I shout.

"Shhh... Stop shouting, or else everyone will hear you, y/n. Come here, you stay with me at my suite for tonight and tomorrow morning I will send you back for pack up." He says as he grabs my suitcase.

"Let them hear, let everyone know who you really are, Casanova! Pervert! Wicked man! I fucking hate you."

His head turns fractionally forward me, his eyes darkest slate, I bite my lips.

"Don't you tease my limit, Miss Lee... I can be evil beyond your expectation." He growls. He lunges at me and pushing me against the wall.

Before I know it, he's got both of my hands in one of his in a vice-like grip above my head and he's pinning me to the wall using his hips.

The moment when he drops my suitcase on the floor, his other hand grabs my ponytail and yank down, bringing my face up and his lips are on mine.

This is wrong. I shouldn't kiss him back, I should pull back and get away from this man. He is a bad influence. It's only just not painful, but I feel disgusted to myself.

I moan into his mouth, giving his tongue an opening. He takes full advantage, his tongue expertly exploring my mouth. I have never been kissed like this. Not even with Namjoon.

He slowly pulls apart, he stares at me looking stunned by his sudden move.

Demian had the audacity to actually smile, breathed me in and whispered against my cheek. "A good girl won't say anything bad about others. So behave, like a good girl you are."

We are both panting, our breath intermingling as we stare at each other. There's hunger in his gaze, but there's also something more - an almost violent longing that goes deeper than simple lust.

A strange tightness squeezes my chest, and I feel like I'm falling further, losing more of myself. He makes me feel like I was with Namjoon, but his beautiful blue ocean eyes confused me.

His personality and his good-looking are too much different compared to Namjoon. Demian was like a hot as hell devil while Namjoon was an innocent angel.

"What do you want from me, Demian?" I whisper.

"Isn't that an obvious question, y/n? I want you. You are all I wanted. Nothing else." He answers, lifting his hand to cradle my jaw.

His fingers catching my jaw in an inescapable grip. His fingers grazing over my burning skin. He touches me, not the way like a pervert but, it felt like a lover. Is he missing someone?

He closes his eyes as though absorbing the sensation and when he opens them, the moment is gone.

His eyes are trained on my face and his lips are curved in a slight smile. He's stunning. And utterly terrifying.

He pulls apart slowly, releases me from his grips and he grabs back my suitcase. "You can take my room, it's a huge suite I can sleep in the living room." He says, his tone deceptively even. "Come, I'm not gonna bite you."

"I will come with you, but you have to promise me one thing," I say as he lifts his brows.

"What was it, y/n?"

"Don't do that again to me, that kissing thingy, and don't even try to sneak into my room tonight, I know karate," I say.

He slightly giggles. "Well, I can promise nothing to you because I'm really attracted to you Miss y/n Lee. Don't expect much from me. I'm a man of my word. When I say I like you, that's mean I'm really into you. Very much. No one can change my perspective."

Goddammit! How can I feel safe with this kind of man?

•• ••

I blink my eyes sleepily several times, vision blurry with sleep. I woke up from my sleep. As my sight gets clearer, I frown in confusion at the unfamiliar large room I see...

Oh! I'm still at the hotel, in a luxury suite with that wicked man. Luckily he was slept outside, in the living room.

Feeling my throat slightly dry and walk out of the room to take a glass of water from the kitchen. I look at my phone that was placed on the nightstand beside the bed, it's 4 in the morning, no wonder it's still dark.

I stride along the hallway that leads to the living room. I stop dead in my tracks as I saw him sleeping safe and sound on the couch as his back facing me.

There's a hideous scar hovered the back of his body, I come near and lower my body. It's looked like it was a scalded scar. He must be a really athletic man and really into extreme sports or else how did he get the scars?

He looks so peaceful when he's asleep, but a pure demon when he awakes. I wish I can stab him while he sleeps, Jesus Christ!

I will never do that, I don't want to commit a crime. I will be the front page on tabloid, "Murderer of a young billionaire."

I trace my fingers along his scar, I was trembling and begin to tearful. He must be really in pain in the past. Who knows about this mysterious man?

I startled when he suddenly move a bit to turn his body facing me, completely. His face an inch away from me, his hot breath gently blowing my face. He's still in a deep sleep.

I found myself softly sobbing, he looks like Namjoon when he's sleeping.

"Namjoon... Kim Namjoon..." I touch his face, trace my thumb along his full lips.

He is Namjoon... Oh my God!

His eyes flutter open, his gorgeous blue eyes staring deeply at me, deep into my soul.

"Y/n, what are you doing here? Aren't you asleep in the bedroom? Why are you crying?" His hoarse voice with a few Spanish accents sounds really fine. The finest.

That moment I realize he's not Kim Namjoon, but he's Demian. Demian Emanuel Kim.

He slowly sits up from his laying and facing me. I can't stop myself from crying, I will get emotional when it's come to Namjoon.

The way he went, leave me forever made me plaintive every time I recollect all back. There are too many memories between him and me.

"Give back my Namjoon..." I whisper, my voice is trembling and pensive. "Please, give him back... To me."

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