Chapter 3

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*Ashton's P.O.V.*

Yesterday was really interesting, I met a nice girl, and she was pretty. I've seen her before and I've wanted to talk to her but I was a little shy to say anything to her. But when I ran into the cafe I saw her and I was happy,because I would get to talk to her. But anyways I get up from my bed and walk to the living room to find my one of my best friends Luke on my couch watching TV, and we both looked at each other

"hey mate, what are you doing here so early?" I asked sitting beside him

"its only 12 o'clock" he said shifting his body to look at me

"yea exactly its 12 o'clock, you never come here this early, whats up?"

"ok I like this girl but I'm not sure if she likes me back,and she's like really hot,and I don't know what to do" he said kinda frowning

"well whats her name?" I asked looking him in the eyes

" her name is Lesley, and I really like her but how do I ask her out?" he replied looking down

"well i really don't know but I like a girl too, her name is Rosalie,she's beautiful and I've wanted to ask her out but I haven't yet but I got her number" he looked back up and nodded

"well what do you think I should do?"

"same thing I did,ask for her number" i shrugged

" what do you have planned for today?" he asked licking his bottom lip

I stood up and replied " I have no clue, maybe invite the guys over and order pizza?"

"sounds good" he says laying back into the couch

I yawn and go to the kitchen to call the guys. I pick up my phone and call Calum, it rings a couple of times and he answers.

Cal: hello?

me: hey me and Luke wanted to know if you and Michael wanted to hang out today?

Cal: sounds good but I have to help my mom with something i dont know what she wants though,haha

me: ok talk to ya later

Cal: ok bye

I hung up the phone and dialed Michael's number it rang a few times and he answered.

Mikey: hey mate

me: hey do you wanna hang out with me and Luke?

Mikey: idk

me: we are going to order pizza

Mikey: ok be in there in ten minutes bye

me: ok b-

he hung up on me, oh well, I called the pizza guy and ordered two boxes of pepperoni, one for Michael and one for me and Luke. After I got off the phone I ran to the couch and jumped onto it from behind, and kicking Luke in the head in the process.

"OW ASH!!!" he yelled rubbing the back of his head looking at me

"sorry your head was in the way" i said casually getting comfy

"asshole" he mumbled

I just rolled my eyes and we watched tv until a few minutes later someone knocked on our door, I yelled come in thinking it was Michael. It was, he walk a few steps and then there was another knock on the door. Michael stops in his tracks and looks at us,we shrug and he turns around and opens the door to see the pizza guy. We all smile and I get up to pay for it, Michael takes the pizzas and I had the guy the money and thank him, and close the door. I walk back to the couch and sit and Michael at me from the chair and says.

"how did I not see the pizza dude? you'd think I would have smelled it" he said taking a bite of his slice of pizza.

" i dont know, when it comes to pizza you have the nose of a bloodhound." I replied getting a slice of pizza

"that's so true" Luke said

We all nodded and ate our pizza,after the pizza there was only two slices left. So I gave them to the neighborhood dog,and threw away the boxes. I sat down and my phone vibrated, I picked it up and I got a text from Rosalie.

R: hey I wanted to ask you something

I texted back

Me: sure ask away :)

R: if your not busy tomorrow do you want to hang out with me and my friend? you can bring one of your friends :)

I smiled and replied

Me: sure why not I'll ask my mate Luke

R: Mate?

me: oh lol I say mate where you would say well idk buddy or friend I guess :P

R: ohh ok well see you at the cafe tomorrow at around 2-ish?

me: ok see ya then :)

R: bye :P

I smiled and put my phone down when Luke and Michael looked at me, and raised their eyebrow. I told them that I'm going to meet Rosalie and that I was taking Luke, they nodded and went back to watching TV. I smiled and laid back into my couch and shut my eyes.

*Rosalie's P.O.V.*

"Why did let me do that?!?!?!  I yelled at Kameron

"because you need to grow a pair of coconuts and man up!" she yelled back

"but I'm a girl Kameron!" I said rolling my eyes

She groaned and sat on my bed, I'm a little upset and embarressed that I asked Ashton to hang out with us,yes I'm over reacting but still. I plopped on my bed and sighed Kameron placed her hand on my leg and patted it.

"come on let's go get something to eat, because I'm starving!" she said rubbing her stomach

"but you just ate an hour ago" i replied looking at the clock and then her

She shrugged and pulled me off the bed and we left to go eat. All I was thinking about was Ashton and who he was gonna bring.


sorry i havent updated in awhile but I got a little sick and I was having phone problems bc I dropped it in the toliet......yea but I'll have the next chapter up soon!

alright good bye! :)

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