Chapter 9

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*Kameron's P.O.V*

I woke up and I saw Luke watching tv. I smiled and snuggled up to the covers that was on me. Luke looked at me and smiled.

"good morning,love" he smiled happily

"uh good morning" I said more like in a question

Luke looks back at the tv and I notice something really weird

"um...Luke?" I asked him while he looked at me

"yea Kam?" he looked at me and leaned forward

"w-where are all my clothes?" I asked worried

"Oh there right here," he got up and had a nicely folded stack of clothes which are mine

I sat up and wrapped the blanket around my bare body and then he handed them to me and I walked to the bathroom,yelling "Thanks Luke!", and I got dressed.

I fixed my hair because it was a mess,and then I walk out to see Lucas smirking, I raised an eyebrow and walked towrds the kitchen. I go to the fridge and feel Luke grind on me from behind,then he started kissing on my neck and shoulder, I let out a soft moan and he turns me around and and kisses me. And let's just say we never got to breakfast. ;)

*Rosalie's P.O.V*

"Ashton as much as I want to see yall practice yall's song, I can't I have to work." I said as I tied up my shoe laces.

"but Rose!" he whined

"Ashton please I'll come over as soon as I'm done with my work" I grabbed my phone and wallet

"Then if you can't come then I wanna go to work with you!"he proclaimed

I rolled my eyes,and grabbed my house keys and walked out,with Ashton on my tail. "at least let me drive you there","ok Ash". We got in his car and the drive was short,when we got there he didn't stop.

"Ashton you passed it!" I yelled at him and he smirked

I groaned and waited until we got to where we were going, once we were there I noticed we were at his house.(wow lot of 'we's' and were and where's lol). I looked at him angrily and he turns to look at me and  he jumps a little at my expression.

"Ashton please I really need to get to work, I've missed too many days plus today it's gonna be very busy!" I explain still pissed at him

"I know I just brought you with me to tell the guys." he responded

I groan and look at the time which says 9:12 a.m. lovely. Ashton takes my hand in his and we walk inside and all the guys greet us. I wave trying to be nice when I get a text from Carter.

Carter: hey where r u??? we really need you here it's gotten really busy!

I sigh and reply

me: oh ok I'll be on my way soon bc Ashton dragged me to his house! :/

Carter: ugh ok plz hurry it's getting really crowded!

I showed Ashton the text while he was talking to his bandmates, and he nodded and told them goodbye and that he was gonna help me out. We walked out and got back in ourcar and he drove off to the cafe,once we got there, there was liturally no parking so Ashton had to drive to the next road and there is a big concrete staircase that leads to the road that the cafe is on.

As soon as he parked we both got out and run towards the stairs, Ashton has longer legs than me so he's down before me. I run down I tripped over something sharp and it cut my foot and I screamed as I fell down the hard concrete stairs which had about 30 steps, then and darkness took over me.

*Ashton's P.O.V*

I was looking at some weird looking bug on the ground when I heard a yelled that sounded painful. I turned around and what I saw was terrifying, Rosalie was tumbling down the stairs and hitting her head really hard. I ran to her and caught her before she hit the last step, she was bleeding really bad and mainly in her head. I panicked and she was out cold, I started to cry and called the ambulance and told them where we were. I held her in my arms not caring about all the blood, but she had it allover her face and her clothes and she was cut on her foot. And I just cried hoping she was gonna be okay.


CLIFFHANGER!!!!!!! umm I will be updating probably tomorrow night or Sunday night!

Keep warm!

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