Chapter 5

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To sum things up, after entering the Mess Hall, you go back to eating the rest of your food. David exclaims to the camp that it was time for 'shut-eye', and that everyone should head to their tents. David gives you the location to yours, and you exit the hall alongside the massive group of campers.

While walking to the tents, you find yourself trailing next to your new friends. Nikki turns towards you, and says:

"So, how's Camp, Y/n?"

You give it a little bit of thought. It definitely wasn't what you expected, but, in it's own way, it was better than you thought it would be.

"It's..good. Surprisingly..good." The others nod their heads at your reply. Well, all except for Max.

"You actually like it here?" He says, and your slight smile drops.

"Well—it's not too bad..I think the only reason this place is tolerable is because I don't have to spend the whole summer alone. I can..spend it with you guys!"

Max smiles to himself. It was a pretty solid answer, to say the least.

 It was a pretty solid answer, to say the least

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"Well, that's a shame." 

Max's words makes everyone look at him with confusion.

"Why's that?" Neil says, his curiosity obviously getting the best of him.

"Oh, because.. I sorta..had an idea not too long ago. It was an escape plan. A one that's pretty foolproof, if I do say so myself." His smug attitude set you off a little bit, but you were interested.

"Go on."

"Well, I managed to get a little something from David's cabin, and I think it's our ticket out of here."

Max pulls something out of his Jean's pocket.

It's keys.

Keys to a car.

Neil pinches his nose.

"Seriously, Max? Remember the last time we tried to drive a vehicle?"

You look at Neil with curiosity.

"You've driven a car before..?" You say, questioning Neil.

"A bus. And..let's just didn't end well." Neil looks down at the floor.

"Anyways - my point is, we've already tried to escape by bus! Why try again?" Neil looks at Max with slight annoyance.

"We're not gonna go by the bus, idiot. These babies are keys to David's car." Max rolls the keys around his finger.

"What's the difference?" Nikki says, finally speaking up.

"I'm pretty sure that thing's easier to drive than a whole damn bus. Besides, we have Y/n now." 

Max looks at you with uncertainty.

"Can you drive?"

What kind of question is that?

"I..can try?" You say, your gaze fixated on Max's smug smile. 

He was serious about this plan, wasn't he?

Before you knew it, you were standing in front of the tents. Everyone went inside of theirs - and you waited for everyone to settle down so you could find the only empty one.

There it is! To the left of..

..Max's tent.

Wowie. You had to be neighbours with Max. Why couldn't it have been Nikki, or something?

Grunting, you unzip the entrance to the tent and walk inside. It was pretty homey, actually. There was a small lamp and a nicely made bed, all seemingly untouched. Turning on the lamp, you notice a bag on the floor - resting next to your bed. Leaning down, you notice a note attached to it. It says:

You forgot your bag near the bus, so I brought it to your tent.

-David :)

..Did you seriously forget your own bag?

You open up your bag and see a pile of clothes, and all of the essentials. However, you rummage through it, clearly looking for something.

There it was!

Willingly, you take out a large sketchbook from your bag and hold it close to you. Picking up a pencil, you hop onto your bed and begin to flip through all of your drawings. Humming your favourite song, you get to an empty page and begin to draw to your heart's content. Eventually, as you continued to draw, your humming turned into soft singing, and you passionately sung the lyrics to your favourite song. You spent the rest of the night drawing, before flipping off your light and finally heading to bed.

Little did you know, Max could hear you singing.

Little did you know, Max could hear you singing

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