Chapter 16

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You walked over to the trio with your script in hand. Immediately, you're hit with Max's cold voice.

"Y/n, there you are. Jesus."

Oof. Not a great start.

"..Sorry, I was still practicing my lines." You say, somewhat hurt. 

"Memorising lines shouldn't be hard. Besides, we're gonna start our plan in the middle of the play, anyways." Max said, rolling his eyes. Okay. What's up with the sudden unfriendliness? Did I do something? Or..Did Nikki do something? You turn towards Nikki with an uncertain frown. She looks at you, and she shrugs with a small smirk.

"Y/n, I think it's about time we tell you what the plan actually is." Neil taps your shoulder and you spin around.

The next thing you know, you're walking to the stage with Neil, Nikki, and Max. Neil goes on to explain a pretty simple plan - you're going to have to play along with the act while Neil sets up the car. The other two will help him set it up - and when the play's about to end, they'll come back and sneak you off stage. Sounds about right. Walking towards the stage, you see Max looking at you. Oh boy, what would he say?

"So, uhh..what role are you playing?" He says, his gaze now facing forward.


"O-oh, I—I don't—ehhh.." You begin to fiddle with your thumbs. As Max gives you a concerned look, you realise how silly you sounded. You need an excuse..uhh..

"Y/n! There you are! You must prepare for the play! You're about to go on!" You see none other than Preston in front of you and, in a moment of desperation, you wave goodbye to Max and swiftly follow Preston towards the stage.

"Do you have your script?" He says, as you both jump onto the stage.

"Yeah." You reply, giving him a warm smile.

"Great! Because you won't need it." Preston grabs your script and throws it off-stage, and you're left standing there with a confused expression.

"Run along! The show's about to begin!"

The next thing you know, you're backstage with a few others.

Nurf, Dolph, Ered, Space kid, and..


Your so called 'Romeo'.

As he sees you enter backstage, his face goes red. Gulping, he walks up to you.

"H-hey, Y/n..what's..up?" He says, laughing nervously.

"I—I just got here, so..I dunno." Feeling the awkwardness, you give him a fake but also nervous smile.

"..How crazy is the kiss scene, huh?" Harrison laughs nervously again.


"Yeah, it''s really something. Haha.." You rub your neck with your hand and look down.

Jesus Christ, it was awkward.

"And now, the moment you've all been waiting for!"

You turn around and see the curtains about to reveal Preston - so you swiftly get into your place..

..and prepare for the worst.

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