Chapter 8

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Entering the Mess Hall, you're immediately overwhelmed by the smell of fresh bacon and eggs.

They actually have good food here?

Nikki, being completely aware of the fact that there was a line forming, jumps up at the quartermaster and takes a tray of food. You, being a bit more sensible, wait in line with Neil. However, Max takes a seat at the table once again - without any food.

Giving him a pitiful look, you ask the quartermaster for an extra tray of food. He gives you what seems like an emotionless look and hands you another tray.

"What's that for, Y/n?" Neil points to your extra tray.

"O-oh, it's for..Max. He doesn't have any know."

Neil looks over to Max, and turns back towards you.

"He's not gonna thank you, but go ahead." Smiling pitifully, he nods and you begin making your way over to the table. After being not even a foot away, Max looks up at you.

 After being not even a foot away, Max looks up at you

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"Woah, why so much food, fatty?" 

You sigh and place the tray of food in front of him.

"It's for you, silly. You didn't have any food yesterday, and it looks like you weren't planning on having any today either." 

Max looks at you, clearly confused.

"Since when did you care about me not eating?" He says, picking up a fork and quietly jabbing it at his bacon.

"Just eat it, will you?" As you say those words, you take a seat next to Max.

He looks at you with uncertainty, but, in the end, he takes a bite of the bacon. Seemingly satisfied, you begin eating as well.


"Howdy, campers!" 

The excruciating voice of David causes you to turn around and grunt. Despite you not hating him too much, you really didn't enjoy the fact that he was overly happy.

"Because of..reasons I can't get into, we can't perform a camp activity today. So, we're going swimming! In the lake!"

Everyone grunts.

Max sighs, and turns towards you.

"There's no way we'll be able to escape when we're being supervised by both damn counsellors. We'll have to try again tomorrow." Max's frown turns into an agitated scowl. You couldn't really blame him - he's probably been trying to escape for a long time.

"So, head to your tents and get changed into your swimmers! I'll see you at the lake!" David happily shuts the door on his way out and the Mess Hall is left in silence. Collectively, you all get up and involuntarily make your way towards the tents.

Oh boy..

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