Chapter 9

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Walking over to your tent, you embrace the sorrowful mood shared by everyone that day.

Seriously? Swimming? In a lake like that..?

This was the worst case scenario.

There was no way you could swim. You'd drown if you spent too long in the deep end of a kiddy pool. This was a bad idea.

But you didn't want to seem like a scaredy you continue to walk to your tent.

Needless to say, you were not happy about these turn of events.

You enter your tent with a somewhat annoyed scowl on your face. You know nobody was there, but the sheer agitation you felt was extremely apparent.

You begin to search your bag, hoping to god your mother or father didn't pack you swimmers so you'd have an excuse to not swim. Taking out the shallow one-piece, you sigh.


Over at the lake, David stood happily. Gwen walks up to him, clearly annoyed. Max stood there, not bothered to get into swimmers. It seemed he wasn't too fond of going into the lake.

"Did you seriously have to choose swimming out of all activities?" She says, looking over at the lake.

"The last time I checked, a certain someone destroyed our activity for today! So this is all we can do." David gives Max a knowing look. Max rolls his eyes.

"Who's gonna watch over them?" She says, referring to the kids on their way to the lake.

"Well, Gwen, I was hoping you-"

"I did it last time - it's your turn." Gwen begins to book it, but is stopped by the small figure of Nikki. Looking further, the group of children - or, as she liked to call them, 'the kids from hell', were making their way towards her. David begins to chase after Gwen, oblivious to the fact the kids had already begun to swim.

The whole lake was now unsupervised. If someone started drowning, an adult wouldn't be there to help. Oh dang.

As you enter the lake's premises, you can't help but notice Max sitting idly on the docks. You walk up to him, and tap him on the shoulder.

"Why aren't you in your swimmers? I thought it was mandatory that-"

"There's no way in hell I would swim in a lake like this." Max says, his back leaning against a wooden pole.

You notice he's reading something - and you look over his shoulder

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You notice he's reading something - and you look over his shoulder. He jerks his head around and closes the book.

"The hell are you doing?" He exclaims, slightly pulling his sunglasses down to reveal a disappointed glare.

"I was just..never mind." You look away, and he goes back to reading his book. You notice none other than Neil and Nikki swimming not too far away from you.

You walk over to the sand and, despite being hesitant to do so, you dip your toes into the water.

Jesus Christ, it's freezing!

You jump back, shivering from the lake's sheer coldness.

"Too cold for you, huh?" The voice of Harrison makes you turn around.

He's sitting on the sand, seemingly refusing to go into the water.

It wasn't actually too cold, you just weren't too good at swimming. If you were to go into the water, you'd need floaties, or something. But there was no way Harrison needed to know that.

"I'd say it's the same case for you, hmm?" You say, giving him a quick reply.

"Yeah, I guess so. I've never been a fan of swimming.." as he says those words, you take a seat next to him.

"Do you mind if I ask you a question?" He says, looking over at you.


"Why do you keep trying to talk to Max? Haven't you got the idea that he' know, not the best person..?" You look over at Max, who is seemingly reading his book.

"I dunno..I just..don't know."

You don't actually know. It's a good question - why were you always trying to talk to him? It's not like he wants you around.. but then again, there are times when he's so confusing.

"Do you know why he won't go into the water?" 

Harrison simply shakes his head.

"Hmm. Odd. Well, I'm gonna try to tough it out and actually swim. It is pretty hot, anyways. Talk to you later?" You say, standing up.

That's was a lie. There was no way you were gonna go swimming. You couldn't, and that was that.

He looks up at you, and says: "Uhh..s-sure."

Turning your head back towards the water, you see Nikki talking to Max. You can barely make out what she's saying, but it seems like she's saying "Why don't you give it a try? You'll never get better at it if you don't try to make an effort!"

 You can barely make out what she's saying, but it seems like she's saying "Why don't you give it a try? You'll never get better at it if you don't try to make an effort!"

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What did that mean?

Max simply shook his head and continued to read.

"Oh, come on! Pretty please?" Nikki said, as you began to walk over to them.

"Nikki, leave me alone!" Max yelled, seemingly really pissed off.

Nikki fumbled with her beach ball for a moment before smiling evilly.

"If you won't go in, I'll make you go in!"


Her beach ball flew across your vision before hitting Max straight in the head, causing him to fall into the water. Nikki bursts out with laughter, before looking over to you.

"Why hasn't he come up yet?" You say, clearly nervous.

"Don't worry. He has to learn the hard way." She says, still giggling.

"What do you mean? Nikki, why hasn't he come up yet?"

Nikki looks over at you, starting to get concerned.

"He can't swim, Y/n. I'm teaching him how to."




"Nikki, that's not how you teach someone how to swim!" You look over to the water, frantically searching for Max under the water.

There he was!

He was paddling, attempting to swim back up again.


..He was doing the same actions from your..


Without hesitation, you dive into the lake.

You weren't letting him drown.

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