Chapter 34 (END.)

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It takes a moment for you to answer.
"Oh.." was the only thing you managed to blurt out.
To be honest, you were surprised you weren't crying.
You didn't want to leave just yet, but you knew if you kept your mother any longer she'd be worried.
Quietly, you turn back to Max.
"Don't forget me, okay?" You say, and squeeze his palm. He nods, and helps you up. Your leg was starting to feel a little better - and you were getting used to the pain. But that's not the thing you were worried about—it was your mother, and how she would react to your little wound.

Neil decided not to wait, and hurried off as both you and Max made your way through the small forest.

Neither of you said anything while you were walking - you just held hands, not daring to let go. But you knew that eventually, you'd have to leave him.
"Do you think you'll be back next summer?" Max said, keeping his gaze forward.


He smiles.
"That's such a relief. I mean—It's..good that..I'll be able to see you again next summer."

I'm not coming back.

"I can't wait." You said, with a small hint of remorse in your words.

You were lying to him.
You knew you most likely wouldn't come back.
Not while your mother had a say in it.
But you wanted to try, for his sake.
You wanted to try and come back.
And if you couldn't..
You'd hope for the best.
And wish him a good life.
Wherever he'd be.


Finally reaching camp again, you let your hand release Max's as you scout the area with your eyes.

There she was.

Your mother, in all of her glory.

She didn't look happy.

Knowing what would come next, you turned to Max - tears now forming in your eyes.
He looks over at you.
You place a small peck on his cheek, and pull away quickly. His eyes widen, but he smiles.
"See you, Y/n."

You wanted to stay with him, but you knew you had to go. So, with a reassuring nod, you hop away - and leave him standing there.

'See you, Y/n.'

That would probably be the last time you'd ever hear his voice.
But you knew that something had changed in the way he spoke.
Something had clicked inside of him.
He was a lot calmer.
He didn't mind if anyone saw anymore.
He only cared about the thing that mattered.


Reaching your mother, she turns around quickly and looks down at you.
"Y/n!" She said, with a sort of fake exaggeration in her voice. You couldn't tell why, but there was something fake about the way she said your name.
You didn't like it.
"Hey, Ma.." You said, and looked down at your leg - hoping she would notice.
But she didn't.
She didn't even look at it.
Something had changed.
She must've been mad at you, or something.
Then again, who wouldn't be mad if they found out their child was out crashing cars and putting others in danger?
I sure would be.

"The counsellor got me your bag, so don't worry about going back to your tent. We need to go now, okay?"

You nod, and she takes your hand and grips it a little tighter than you would've liked.
You glance back to where Max was one more time, and see him standing there.
He waved, and you smiled.

Goodbye, Max..
Goodbye, Camp Campbell..
Goodbye, Everyone.

I'll miss you.


Everything moved a lot slower once you began driving back home. You were in the back seat - the one next to the window. You could see the vast forest you drove through just before, and you smiled.
You didn't regret it anymore.
You were happy that everything you did brought you and Max together.
Despite the fact you might not see him again, you were happy you were able to help him.
He said he'd try to make a change.
And you believed him.

But when you don't come back next summer, will he reconsider?
Reconsider it all?
Go back to his old ways?

But now that you know he has it in him, you're sure that anyone can help him change again.

Whether it be you, or someone else.
He had bloomed.
Nothing could stop progress.

Quietly, your mother flipped on the radio.

And some soft tunes came on.

You'd remember this summer for sure.
More importantly, you'd remember Max.
You'd remember it all.


Taking your eyes off the window, your gaze wanders to your bag.
There was a little pocket left open.
You sat up to try and zip it back up again, but something stopped you.

There was a small piece of paper sticking out of the pocket.
You were sure it wasn't yours.

Quietly, you retrieve the paper.
A note.
It was a note.

Your eyes drift to the top, and you start to read.

To Y/n.

I want to start by saying thanks.
Thanks for being here.
Thanks for making camp fun for everyone. More importantly, for Max.
I watched you grow throughout this summer.
I watched all the mishaps, the fun, and the sadness.
When you drove off with the car, I was scared to death. Because I wouldn't be able to make sure you stayed safe, you know?
But when you and Max came back, I could tell something had changed.
He had confessed to you —— I could tell.
And, from what it had seemed like, you reciprocated his feelings.
And I was happy.
Because you had helped him find something I never could.

Now, you're probably wondering why I'm telling you this. It's weird, right? Your camp counsellor's been watching you and your little friend. It's weird. I know.

But I wanted to justify something by writing this to you.
Before you arrived, I could tell Max was unhappy.
He was in a downward spiral, with no way out.
Then you arrived, and I saw something change in him.
He seemed a lot more quiet around you.
He didn't understand his feelings.
But I feel like now he does.
You've helped him, somehow.
You've helped someone I thought couldn't be helped.

So, thanks.
Thanks for helping.
Thanks for being here.
Thanks for fixing my son.


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