Chapter 21

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     The look in Colton's eyes was that of apprehension. His hand was resting on his gun. His posture reminded her vaguely of a wild west gunslinger. His spine stiff, and his legs braced apart as if he was ready for an all out gunfight.

     She knew immediately that she was literally glowing with her powers and mentally kicked herself for not checking before opening the door to him. Her mind flashed with what options she had this second.

     Should she calm herself?

     Remove the glow?

     Should she just explain as she was?

     She had to tell him at least some of her truth.

     "Colton," Raya made sure to keep perfectly still so he didn't get jumpy. "I need to tell you something, but you cannot freak out." She used the same calm, monotone voice that someone might reserve for a person who was on the edge of a building, getting ready to jump.

     He made no movement but for a twitch at the corner of one of his eyes.

     Raya took it as a sign to continue. "I am in trouble. I just don't know how to explain it to you."

     Colton frowned. He finally removed his hand from the butt of his gun and crossed his arms over his chest. "Try," he said. All southern charm was missing from his voice. It was replaced with that menacing growl that only the male species could achieve.

     Raya nodded. She motioned to the couch, but he refused to sit. Raya took in a deep breath, and began, staying in her position by the door. "I have powers. When Ms. Simons called about the door, I was getting it replaced because I accidentally blew it up in anger. When she called about the lights, it was me trying to get those powers under control. I'm a witch." Raya didn't elaborate any further. She just pressed her lips together and waited for him to process the bomb she just dropped on him.

     Colton didn't say a word for a while. She watched him wordlessly unsure of how to continue.

     Neither of them moved.

     The dog was the first to break the deadlock. He started that low growl again capturing both of their attentions. There was a noise that sounded like a sharp object was being scraped against the side of the house. The noise circled around. Both Raya and Colton followed the sound with their bodies. Raya moved closer to Colton unconsciously while they spun around. Whatever it was stopped when it reached the front door.

     The same tapping that Raya heard when Colton first got to the house clicked against the glass decorating the door. Raya swung her hand out to her side, and came into contact with Colton's arm. She grasped his arm, her eyes swung up to his.

     Regardless of how he felt about her moments before, she could see the urge to protect fill his eyes as he looked down on her. 

     "They're back," Raya exhaled. She sounded so weak, so fragile with those two whispered words.

     "Ray-ya," a familiar voice taunted.

     Raya froze. How did Demetri find her? Did he trick Shane into giving up her address?

     "I know you're in there witch!"

     Raya let Colton's arm go. She knew that she couldn't use him as her protector. Rather, she realized that she just put his life in danger for calling him in the first place. She took a step closer to the door as she gathered her power into her core. 

     Before she could do anything else, Colton called out, "This is Officer Randolf. You are unwelcome here. I am ordering you to leave now."

     There was a choir of laughter outside. Raya knew that they were outnumbered, and could only pray that they made it out of this alive.

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