Chapter 26

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     They waited nearly a week for Raya to regain conciousness. Once Mavis left, Shane sliced an elongated finger nail across Raya's wrist. Having no heartbeat, it oozed out a bit, but never began flowing. He then instructed Officer Perfect to begin chest compressions.

     Having moved Raya to the floor for better support, Shane waited until Colton knelt on the opposite side of her before he opened his own vein. From his knowledge of the ritual of turning someone, they had to share blood simultaneously. This process had to be completed three times over the span of three hours. Typically the mortal that was being turned would be unconscious during the sharing. Unconscious to the world around them, but under the glamour of the vampire, they were able to participate in the ritual. Unconscious, but most definitely alive.

     With Colton's help, Shane completed the ritual, and the two of them waited for her to reawaken.

     While they waited, Shane was too scared to leave her unattended in case she wake while he was away. He remembered all too well how uncontrollable he was when he was newly turned, and hoped to make the transition easier for Raya. In whatever ways that was even possible.

     Shane called work, and explained that he had a family emergency and did not know when he would be returning to work. He requested they use up all his vacation and sick hours he'd accumulated over time, and call him when he'd run out. He also called his landlord and informed him that he would be away for an extended period of time and to let him know if he'd had any visitors in the meantime.

     Personal matters in order, Shane kept post in Raya's room. Officer Colton Randolf was in the room with him nearly the entire time. Him having been involved with the 'incident', he was forced to take a sabbatical while the investigation was being conducted.

     Colton ran out that first day to grab a couple pairs of clothes. He also went by Shane's apartment to get him a fresh pair as well. When he came back, the two of them outfitted the guest bedroom at the end of the hallway as a holding cell. They would need to have someone on standby when Raya did wake. If she woke at all.

     The second day, a detective stopped by trying to get answers for the various videos that clearly showed Raya afloat with her powers, clearly shooting orbs of said magic from her hands. Videos showing the blur of Demetri each time he was struck and returned to the battle. Videos that showed all six and a half minutes of a magical battle being waged in the front yard of a suburban neighborhood.

     The detective made it clear that he didn't need to hear Colton's side of the story. He only wanted to know what Colton's plans were once they couldn't evade the media any longer. He wanted to hear how he planned to brush this whole thing under the rug. How he could convince the entire reaches of the internet that this was all some elaborate hoax. Once the detective was satisfied, they didn't have the pleasure of his company again. Shane was taken aback with the way they were so quick to cover the whole thing up.

     "Well, Officer, I need to feed. Either you can bring me one of the many humans that you have at your disposal, or you can be a pal, and allow me to feed from you." Shane said on the third day when Raya still hadn't woken.

     Shane watched as Colton's brows drew together. If he was uncomfortable with him feeding, Shane couldn't imagine how he would react to the savage feeding of a newly turned Raya. However, rather than making a comment, Colton gave a brisk nod and left the house leaving Shane alone with all his worries.


     He looked down upon her and sighed. What did he do? He should have just left her alone from the beginning. He already knew that theirs was a relationship that should never have happened. He knew that he was playing with fire when he encouraged a relationship. When he fell in love with Raya, he had all the more reason to leave her. To protect her from that monster Demetri. And now here he was. He became the same monster he had grown to loathe.

     Worse. For he had damned Raya to a soulless life. One that she would never be able to escape from. Worse because he knew and loved Raya before making the decision to damn her. That alone made him worse. At least when Demetri turned his victims, it was a random choice.

     Only an hour had passed before Colton returned with probably the most disgusting man he could find. Shane could smell his stench from the second the front door opened. He couldn't imagine how horrid the smell would be when he was nose to skin with the man. He contemplated forcing the bum to bathe first, but when he saw Colton's face, he knew that this was just what he would have to deal with for the entirety of Raya's adjustment period.

     Shane took the man into the guest bedroom and took his fill. Once he was satisfied, he used glamor to place him under an extended sleep until the next time he would be useful.


     Colton had no urge to get to know Raya's beau, Shane, so aside from pleasantries, he didn't bother trying to start conversation. There wasn't much to do while they waited for Raya to arise, so he just stayed next to her as much as he could. Sometimes he would simply hold her wrist keeping count of the erratic heartbeats. Other times he would press a damp cloth to her forehead. All the while he begged God that she would wake.

     He wasn't sure why he stuck around, either. Surely she didn't need him to be there if she had Shane there for her. But every time he thought about leaving her side, something inside of him turned sour. So here he was sitting at the edge of her bed, her tiny hand in his, as he listened to the whoosh of the ceiling fan circulating the air.

     He only had to bring one person over the whole time he was alone with Shane. Perhaps this wouldn't be so bad. He couldn't imagine Raya actually feeding on humans the way Shane was surely exaggerating. From what he knew of her, she was a completely rational, albeit magical, human being. She would never consume humans to the point of killing them. Not the doe eyed Raya. It dawned on him that he really didn't know her. He didn't even know her last name! Who was he to assume she wouldn't be the monster that Shane likened her to be. 

     On the fourth day, he began to get restless. He'd already depleted nearly all of the food in Raya's fridge, and was contemplating a run to the grocery store when Shane entered the kitchen.

     "She should have awoken by now. We need to reason with the possibility that she may not rise."

     The words turned a knot in Colton's stomach. He couldn't think of that possibility. Not after all she did to save his life. He was indebted to her. He had to save her. No matter what. But she wasn't really dead, was she? She had a heart beat. He counted them all the time! He couldn't give up on her. Not yet.

     Colton's shoulders heaved with the intensity of his sigh. He leaned his hands against the edge of the sink that overlooked the back yard. He could see the window marking the guest bedroom boxing in the yard. He'd never been in a house with the layout that she had. It was as if it were two pieces stuck together by a toddler. A thought fluttered into his mind. He wasn't even sure if it was his own thought. He couldn't help himself saying it aloud as soon as it entered.

     "A pool would fit nicely back there."

     Hearing his own voice shocked him. What was he thinking? He had a homeless man that was being used as a blood offering shackled to the guest bed in a cheery room turned dungeon. A witch was comatose in her room while her body was being transformed into some kind of vampire hybrid. And he was envisioning having a pool being built into what wasn't even his backyard!

     Colton whipped around and locked eyes with Shane. He saw the same look reflected in the vampire's eyes that he felt himself. He was going crazy!

     With that realization, Colton nodded. "We'll give her one more day."

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