Chapter 4

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     They stood in the middle of Darla's parking lot. Shane was thoroughly making love to her via the most intense kiss she'd ever experienced. Her whole body began warming from her core outward to her fingertips.

     Suddenly Shane pulled away from her. He was clutching at his throat. His mouth wide as if he were screaming, yet no sound was emitted. His eyes bugged from his face. He doubled over, now gripping his stomach. Bright light spewed from his mouth like liquid. It flowed like a waterfall without allowing him time for air.

     Raya started in horror. When she tried to reach out to him, light flew from her hand in a quick burst knocking him backward.

     "Shane," Raya cried out. She pulled her hands into her chest falling to her knees. Tears streamed down her face leaving rivers glowing down her cheeks. She didn't know what to do.

     Like a dam burst, everyone spilled out of the diner shrieking.


     "BURN HER!"

     "HANG HER!"

     Raya turned to the shouts to see that somehow everyone was armed with torches and pitchforks. Raya stood, but rather than stopping when she reached her full height, she felt her feet rise off the ground. She felt her hair blowing around her as if by a strong wind. She could see a glow emitting from her body through the corners of her eyes.

     "Go away!" She shouted at the growing crowd.

     She shot her hands out in front of her, fingers splayed wide. Simultaneously balls of light flew from her palms and crashed into the angry crowd. Like pins in an alley, people were knocked back flying into others and forcing them off their feet as well. Despite the circumstances, Raya smiled, thinking of them as oversized bowling pins. Once everyone was on the ground, she shouted "Strike!"

     Her body drifted back to the ground, the magic beginning to wain. Raya looked down at Shane. He lay on his back, his eyes closed. She knelt down and gently touched his shoulder. Her last thought was, I can take us away from here.


     The two of them were in a field with just one tree to mar the perfect sea of grass as far as the eye could see. No others were near them. Raya grabbed hold of Shane, pressing her body against his. Imploring with her eyes.

     Raya was dressed in a long black gown edged with a white lace at the hem, sleeves and collar. Shane was wearing what looked to be something that one might find in a documentary of the first thanksgiving.

     "Shane, please believe me," Raya pleaded. "I did no such thing. I swear I would never use my powers in the view of the villagers." It didn't occur to her that when she spoke, there was an accent that matched the clothes they wore.

     Shane gave Raya a pitying look. "It matters not, someone found you out. Now we have no choice."

     There was a small murmur of voices behind her. Raya turned her head to see a wagon attached to a large brown horse. It seemed like they'd been there all the while, but she knew that just moments ago, she and Shane were the only ones there. Instinctively, she backed away. A muscular man appeared and tossed a rope over the lowest branch, a noose already tied at the end of it. Another step back. Women spread out blankets and began piling food in the center while children ran to and fro in the field. They didn't fade in like a movie, but just appeared as if they were there the whole time, but she just never noticed. Another step back.

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