Chapter 4.

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"So got any younger siblings?"

She asks as she draws a new picture.

"2 they go to the primary school."

"Hey that's where my younger cousin goes."

"Cool you gotta go pick him up?"

"Yep then go home to my uncle."

"What about your parents?"

I ask, I can tell that hit a no go zone.

"Mr Leaves.. Can I please go outside."

You can tell she goes this a lot, he gives her a pass and she packs up her things.

"Here's your homework."

He says and hands her some sheets. She takes them and puts them in her bag. She pulls out her phone outside and calls someone. She wonders down the hall and disappears. I sit alone in class for the next of the period.

"Hey new girl! Wanna come over here!"

So boys yell, out of no where Kat comes to help me.

"Back off lame brains."

"Protecting the new kid, I through you where crying about your parents!"

That must have annoyed her so much because she went up to him and punched his stomach. Jake comes out of no where.

"Dude.. Really?"

He asks her, she looks up at him. She storms off, down the hall.

"What was that about?"

I ask Jake, he walks me down to follow her.

"Her parents died 4 months ago in a carcrash. She now lives with her Unlce. He only just turned 19 and has 2 kids. He's trying hard, so is she."

"I'm sorry.."

"What for?"

"I asked about them."

I hang my head low and he stops.

"Don't worry.. You didn't know."

I nod and we follow her down the hall. She's sitting against the wall, playing with her phone.


He yells, her full name Katniss. Never would have picked it.

"Yes Jacob."

She says back, wow anybody else have a nickname.

"What's up?"

"Nothing much, he's probable already told Miss. I'm screwed."

She puts her hands over her face and Jake sits next to her.

"You told Nick?"

"Yep, he's calling the school now. I'm leaving early."

"Nice, I'll come by this arvo."

"Ok, I'll leave you with Jamie."

She gets up and goes down to the office.

"Come on.. I'll be just as fun."

So I spend the rest of the day with Jake. He isn't that bad, he's really sweet and cares about Kat a lot. When we get to the end of school he gets on the bus with me. He decide to pick up Maxie for Kat.

"So is Maxie, Nick's kid?"

"Nope.. Maxie is another Unlce's kid. He disappeared and Nick got Maxie. Then Kat got left to Nick, she was meant to move away with her brother but, changed her mind."

I nod, we get off the bus and pick up the siblings.

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