Chapter 10.

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Jake and I don't talk much on the way to school. When we got there Kat was colouring in her nails with sharpie. She was with Ryan but, sitting down on the sliver seat. Not trying to get involved in the conversation. Which is odd for her, she has on her headphone in under her hair. She is in her tights and converse today. But, with a sport shirt on, like a football jersey.
"Why isn't she in uniform?"
I asked Jake.
"Sport it today and she usually doesn't wear her uniform all day."
Jake and I try to walk up to her but, she said goodbye to Ryan. She got up and walked away with her folders. I run over to her and grab her arm.
"Can I help you?"
She says like she's never seen me before. Which kinda broke my heart, I take a deep breath and find my words.
"Why are you walking off?"
"Because you stole my boyfriend."
"You didn't put up much of a fight."
Jesus why do I always get so Jealous when we talk about Jake. She raises her eye brow.
"Oh honey, that's because when you see your best friend and boyfriend backstab you. It hurts like hell, I'm sorry didn't you know I have feelings."
That takes me by shock, Kat never says anything personally. She shakes free of my grip and goes over to Jane. She hugs her and then they walk off, Jake finds me.
"Hey what happened?"
He asked I told him the events that just happened and the bell rang. We walk to roll call and Kat doesn't show up. Jay doesn't either, oh god. I sent her a text.

Hey Kat, I'm sorry what's up?

I don't get anything back, but I can tell that she has seen my message. The bell goes again and I head to maths. Kat still isn't there, damn. Then towards the end of the boring lesson she turns up. Singing..
"Heyyyyy Sir, I need my math sheet."
He hands her a sheet and she sits up the back. With a new chick, she looks pretty and makes her laugh. She has fun and it's annoying me. How dare the new chick come in here and cheer her up. The bell goes and they get up and walk away. They say goodbye and then she walks off. I wait for Jake by a tree, but he doesn't turn up until later.
"So I spoke to Ryan.."
He says and sits down.
"Yea.. And?"
"Kat, is mad as crap."
"Wow... We should talk to him more."
I even help myself. Jake looks at me with sad eyes. He looks like he's about to cry, he runs off. I try to chase after him, but I'm to slow.
"Not again.."
"Wow.. Are you trying to be the most hated person her?"
Ryan asks.
"No.. It just kinda happens.."
I hang my head low.
"I'll talk to Kat for you in the morning."
I nod and thank you and walk off, back home dad has the day off. So he can get the kids. I can't shake that image of Kat with the new chick. I feel like she replaced me way to quickly. I mean seriously, why am I so mad? Why am I always so jealous? I crash on the lough chair.. I hate myself right now..

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