Chapter 8

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*Celina's POV*

Me and Harry were seated in my room looking through some of my old pictures.

"Is this you?" He said and looked at me with a huge smile on his lips.

He held up a picture of me as a kid, with blonde curly tangled hair, mum's panties on and red lipstick all over my face.

"Yeah" I said as I started to miss my mum.

"You miss her don't you?" He asked and I looked up meeting his green eyes.

His hair was messy, not slicked back as it use to be, he was wearing normal clothes. Just a black t-shirt and jeans but he had his nerd glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"Is it that obvious?" I said and I laughed a little.

"Just a little" he said and picked up another photo. "Is that Victoria?"

"Yep, we used to be best friends" I said, taking the picture from his hands and placing it on my desk.

"And you miss her too don't you?" He said looking at me.

"I've lost so many Harry, it's more than I could count" I said feeling the tears burn in my eyes.

"If you don't mind, have you ever tried to get them back? I'm sure they miss you too" he said as he stood up.

"I've tried many times, they just hate the way I am. The way I changed you know, popularity got to my head and I've realised that now"

"But you've changed back, you're not a bitch anymore" he said and I giggled.

"At least someone likes me" I said and he smiled.

We just sat there in silence, not awkward silence, good silence. It was funny how me and Harry really are like siblings. I feel like I could count on him, tell him my secrets.

*Alice's POV*

"So you don't mind me being here on a Saturday?" Linn asked me in the doorway. I had just woken up by her slams on the door and I only wore my pj's.

"No, of course not. Come in" I said and let her inside.

She smelled like smoke and roses. It was a weird sent but it suited her.

"So why are you her at..." I said and looked down at the watch on my wrist. "7 in the morning?"

"I'm taking you out on a road trip" she said and smiled happily.

"Wait what?" I said and she just smiled at me and walked up the stairs into my bedroom.

"We'll be back home tomorrow! C'mon! Get your cute ass up here and pack!" She yelled as I heard her going through my wardrobe.

I hurried up the stairs seeing her putting clothes into a bag.

"You need to change" she said and I laughed.

"Into what?" I asked and she smiled.

"Into this" she said and handed me a black long sleeved crop top, a pair of high waisted blue jeans and my old black vans. "Didn't know you had those kind of clothes in your closet"

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me Li" I said and she smiled.

"Now get ready and I'll meet you in the car." She said and I just nodded.

I walked into the bathroom, I put on the clothes and brushed out my hair. My reflection looked back at me as I brushed my teeth and as I applied my makeup.

My feet took me downstairs, I took my bag and headed out to the car.

It was a mint blue Chevrolet truck, it looked old and used so I liked it. Linn was seated on the back with blankets and a basket.

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