Chapter Eighteen

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Kristoff's p.o.v

I really can't believe she actually agreed to dance with me . I didn't expect she would have agreed . After that kiss I thought she would never agree to dance with me . I know it's wrong to kiss her like that but I couldn't help it .

"Y'know I've been really needing to talk to you " she raised a brow at me urging me to go on .

"Well I'll start off as I Missed you ." She opened her mouth to say something but I quickly cut her off .

"Dont lie to me , I know who you are kathryn you can't hide by changing hair and whatever . And I'm sorry I kissed you without your permission . But I just couldn't help help it just like our first kiss ."  I see her eyes widen in shock not expecting me to bring it up but I want her to confess and say that she wasn't drunk at the time .

"I don't know what you are talking about ."

" I know you do let me take you down memory lane ."

Five years ago

Third person p.o.v

"Why do we have to go Emm ?" Kathryn whined like a toddler .

"Wow Kathryn Evangeline Williams doesn't want to attend a party ? I find that quite shocking " she rolled her eyes at her sisters antics before replying .

"Oh look how the tables have turned , you wanting to go and me not ."

"Well I'm just trying to get out and socialise ." Kathryn gave her a small smirk before saying in a teasing tone .

"Are you you sure or is it because it's kristoff hosting the party ." A blush appeared on her face and she tried to hide it by looking down .

"Maybe but I still want you to come with me please " she pleaded . How can Kathryn say no to that cute face .

"Fine but no revealing outfits and as soon as we reach we'll separate until it's time to go ."

"But -"she wanted to protest but she got cut off by her sister .

"No buts ok , if you want me to go, then those are the conditions understand . "

"Ok " Emmaline replied sadly . Kathryn didn't want to see her sister sad but that's the only she can distance herself from kristoff . She's been feeling thing she knows she shouldn't for a taken man . Every time she sees him she gets those weird feelings in her stomach .

"Emm don't be sad ok , if you want I'll let you do my makeup . " she squealed in excitement for she has been longing to do so .

"I'm gonna make you look superb !" Grabbing the stuff she began her tutorial .

An hour and a half later the girls were half ready . Kathryn wearing a rumpa, her hair in a curled  ponytail and light makeup matching her outfit. Lastly Emmaline's outfit colour similar to kathryn's but a dress instead and her hair cascading down her back ,with her favorite white stilettos to match .

"Kathryn c'mon why aren't you wearing the shoes I laid out for you ?" Kathryn huffed saying .

" I know I agreed to go with you but that doesn't mean I'll appear happy , so be glad I'm going ." She mumbled the last part while putting on a pair of black sandals .  She saw Emmaline's face saddened before she replaced it with a smile .

"It's alright now c'mon or else we're going to be late ." She exclaimed as she pulled Kathryn by her hand through the door .

"One can never be late to a party ." Kathryn replied.

A few minutes later they arrived at the party and like Kathryn said they separated . A few hours later Emmaline was on the top floor with Kristoff's friends , when he excused himself  to make a phone a phone call .

He stood outside enjoying the cold breeze as it hits him . His mind was distracted so he didn't mind the coldness . All he could think of was someone he shouldn't have on his mind . It seems like he is a cheating and he knows he'll never want to do that . It's like taking someone's emotions an playing with it as if it's a toy that means to be broken and thrown away .

Somehow his mind  couldn't shake it off . The way she walked in like she owned the place , her confidence making all the girls feel insecure . But if you look closely you could see something was bothering her . He really wanted to find out but didn't.

So deep thought he didn't hear someone walking out behind him . Sitting besides his feet the person. Spoke .

"So what brings you out here ?" A voice he couldn't ever forget spoke .

"Just trying to clear my head ." He replied trying not to look at her . She rolled her eyes before tugging on his hand ,pulling him down next to her .

"Want me to help you ?" Kristoff was quick to answer Kathryn . Knowing is of he didn't , she'll always be distracting him .

"Ah uhm no thank you ."

"Dont worry you'll be ok" And then she pulled him in for a kiss . He didn't know what but he kissed her back .

While the two made out they didn't  notice someone watching them. She took off running somewhere not believing it happened .

"I uh that was awesome Toby " kathryn said as she broke the kiss and ran inside . Kristoff sat still stunned , he couldn't even move not understanding what happened .

A few weeks after Kathryn pretended she didn't know anything . Kristoff had returned after the kiss acting normal . But Emmaline , she changed . She started acting like kathryn . Dressing like her ,talking like . Everyone found it strange but didn't question her . And Kathryn wanted say something but didn't want to hurt the real best friend she ever had or so she thought she didn't hurt her .

Flash back over

The two were still dancing . Kathryn didn't let go for she was shocked . How can she reply to him.

"I really don't know what you are talking about ."

"Really ? " He questioned while shaking his head .

"About I tell you about the night I picked you up from the club. The last thing you said before you passed out was I shouldn't have ever kissed you . "

"Y'know when you are drunk people tend to say the stupidest things ever ." She replied . He gave her look that says are you sure .

"Yes I am but even if it's true right I don't remember now I guess it's I only remember when I'm drunk ." After she said that he laughed at her , causing them to stop dancing .

"I'm sorry but what you said was hilarious ."

"Whatever" with that she began to walk away but he stopped her . Pulling her close he whispered in her ear .

"I'm sorry but I can't let you go . " looking at him she began to follow behind him wherever he was pulling her to .

But little did she know she would leaving the next day with something extra .

I'm so so for not posting but my brother broke my charger and I really wanted to choke him , but I  had to refrain myself from doing it it took everything in me not to do it . Especially when he started laughing . I hope you like this chapter

Oh I'm so happy for over eight hundred reads thank you for taking time and reading my book .

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