Chapter eight

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After the incident in the kitchen , Kathryn couldn't move , she sat there frozen as ice . Kristoff came back and said he needed to go his assistant needed him . He left not before giving Kathryn a kiss on the cheek.

When he left Kathryn got down from the counter and began to pick up the broken pieces of ceramic . Then she went into her bedroom not overclocking the door .

Kathryn cried that night trying to fix the broken pieces back together . It pained Michael to see his sister like that . Knowing anything he tried wouldn't help so he left . He only came back because he forgot his wallet only to witness his sister having a break down .

It was Wednesday, the day kristoff is supposed to go meet Kathryn . Honestly she had forgotten all about him asking her anything all wanted was to be alone .

"Hey Kathryn why don't you go and take your lunch break I will cover for you " Michael said , since Sunday they haven't spoken to one another . Things were a little awkward but was not going to stop Michael from talking to his sister .

"Um yeah uh are you sure ?" She questioned , the only thing that can take her mind off what happened was to work or drink and she was morph choosing alcohol because she can't go there again .

" Yes I am sure now go on and take a break I have got this " only nodding at him she left . After sitting down she felt as if she was standing for days .
Closing her eyes her mind began drifting back to Sunday and kristoff, she couldn't understand how he suddenly reappeared in her life again

'What does he want with me  ? '  She questioned herself as if somewhere in her brain had the answer .

Brinngggg Brinngggg

Kathryn jumped out of her thoughts when the work phone began ringing . Sighing she got up to answer it thinking it must be grandma O'hera . Hearing Sarah answer the phone she walked closer thinking it was her grandmother

"Hello O'hera's book cafe how may I help you " Kathryn watched as Sarah's face turned from curious to surprise . Looking up from the phone Sarah saw Kathryn.

"Oh she's right here " she passed the phone to Kathryn with a smile on her face . Kathryn took it nor know who was on the other end .


"Hello kathryn did you forget about today ?" Hearing kristoff's husky voice she was confused for a minute then frustrated because she did want to go anywhere with him . Tryin to be as polite as possible did her best fake voice

" Oh no I didn't forget I've been so busy especially today and I don't have your number to call you to cancel " she rolled her eyes thinking he would believe her but she didn't know Sarah was still there . She snatched the phone from Kathryn and told kristoff

" Don't worry about what she said just now she was just playin with you " Kathryn watched her friend in shock not understanding her friend .

"I'll opened the back door foot you , ok bye " Kathryn couldn't help but shout

"Why would you do that !?" Sarah was not affected by her shouting she simply said

"Listen there is no need to shout ok what can do is go on out with him , I don't know why you don't like him and I'm not gonna ask you until your ready but I do know that you can still go of with him I have a feeling he is going to be around for a while plus he is buying you a knew phone ." Agreeing to what her friend said she began to leave not before asking

"How did you know he was buying me a phone ?"

"Don't worry about that  just get going and don't keep him waiting .
Michael stood there listening to his sister and girlfriend talk . He knows he shouldn't trust people so easily but he saw that sparkle in his sister's eye that he went seen in a while . He just want her to be happy and if kristoff can bring it back then he is ok .

Walking out through the back door Kathryn spotted kristoff in another turtle neck and coat leaning against a car .

" you know you are so weird" he smiled at her and asked

"And why is that ?" She just shook her head before replying

"It the beginning of summer and you dressed like it's the beginning or winter " he just chuckled at her and opened the passenger side for her

"Oh how gentlemanly of you " she said and sold into the seat . He walked around and got into the drivers side

"So where to m'lady ?" He questioned . She thought about for a while before answering

" hmm how about we get that new phone first ?"

" sounds like a plan ." And with that they were off

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