Ch. 16 - Proposal

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Jake ******


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- Checapps 💕



After that steamy session, we're all panting on the bed.

I am locked in between their bear-like embraces.

"Baby..." Jake whispered on my ear.

"What now??"

"We have a proposal for you..."

I groaned. "If this is about another round of sex, I'm out."

They chuckled.

"We really need to work with your stamina then," Jake said.

I shook my head in amusement.

"Actually, Jake and I really have an important proposal for you..." Bruno said while picking the hairs that are on my face and place it nicely on the back of my ear.

Curiosity filled me.
"What is it?"

They shared a look before Bruno continues,
"You have to resign."

I gaped at him.
"Exfuckingcuse me, what did you just said??"

"He said that you resign." Jake repeated.

I elbowed him. "You crazy?!"

"Of course not." he quickly answers.

"Fiera listen, we are offering you a better job."

I arched a brow at Jake. "What job?? Sex provider??" I smirked.

Jake grinned. "That's your sideline, baby."

"Jake, seriously..." Bruno groaned.

Jake laughed.
"My bad, bro."

Bruno turned to me,
"Resign your job because you will be working for us. You will just supervise our staffs. I mean you change offuces everyday. You supervise mine today, tomorrow, you'll supervise his."

I gaped. Are they high?!
"What kind of job was that??"

"Well, a supervisor, of course..."

I shook my head.
"I can't possibly work with two companies!"

"We'll pay you nicely, plus unlimited access to our bodies." Jake winked at me.

I shove him.
"Seriously idiot, what the fuck are you guys proposing??"

"You, becone our supervisor."

Unable to stop myself, I stood.
"Correct me if I'm wrong okay, you were telling me that I get two jobs at the same time?? Two jobs as a supervisor and you two will pay me nicely?? as in, pay me separately??"

They both nodded.

I can't help but to swear.

They laughed.

"You guys better not be shitting me!" I yelled.

"Who says we're fooling around?" Bruno asked.

Both of them are sitting now.

I shook my head.
"This is a prank. I know this is a prank..."

I let out a laugh, making them laugh as well.

"Prank??" Jake's laugh is contagious.

Bruno is laughing hard as well.

"Cut the bullshit, guys. I'm taking a bath..."

I was about to walk away when Jake stopped me.

"We're serious, Fiera."

"Shut up, Jake. I know this is a prank and you guys aren't pranking me."

Bruno's eyebrows creased.
"Why would we prank you??"

I turned to him.
"To have something to laugh about."

Bruno shook his head in disapproval.
"We aren't that shallow, baby."

I shook my head in defiance.
"This is all a prank. Stop this, I am not falling for it."

Jake laughs again.

Bruno's smile is playing its way to his lips.

"Fiera, what makes this so hard to believe?" Bruno asked. Amusement is shown on his face.

"Maybe because I get to supervise in two different jobs, Bruno."
I said it with a 'duh' tone.

Jake nodded.
"Understandable but baby, we aren't playing around. We have contracts ready. a year contract."

"I ain't falling for this shit." I sing-sang.

Bruno shrugged.
"This is not a game. You will resign."

I was about to object when he continues,
"We will email you a copy if our contract." Bruno added.

I gaped at them.
"Are you guys high?? Or your brains are malfunctioning?? perhaps it's been oxygen deprived??"

They burst into laughter.

"We are serious, Fiera. Resign now and you will work for me tomorrow. The next day, you will head to Jake's club."
Bruno said.

I shook my head.
"You idiot! I don't even said yes yet."

"You will eventually. Why prolong tge decision making?? So let's do all favor and just cut the bullshit. Let's head straight o business. I'll have my secretary send your boss a resign letter."

"Wait!" I yelled.

Bruno arched a brow on me. "What??"

"You can't just rush something like this! I have to think things through!"

Jake snorted.
"Oh please, spare your remaining brain cells. Don't force them to think anymore or they'll go extinct."

My eyes narrowed at him.
"You're an asshole."

"I see we're back to assholes again." she smirked. "You up or another round??"

"Damn you!"

He chuckled.

"So it's settle now, right?" Bruno asked me.

I turned to him. "Don't rush me."

"You will agree to this. You have no reason to decline..."

"Bruno, you guys can't just order me to do anything without me murdering my remaining braincells first."

"This is a good offer, baby..."

"I know, it's just that..."

Jake cut me off.
"Everything will be all right. You will agree with is and start tomorrow. Bruno's secretary will send an resignation letter to your boss then that's it."


Bruno cut me off.
"It's settled now, Fiera. Let's stop arguing cause that isn't up for a debate."

He's now stroking his dick.

Jake is stroking his too, making me swallow.

My pussy instantly craved for them.

"Touch your pussy...." Bruno whispered.

I bit my lower lip as I reach out for my pussy.

My toes curl as they both moan for me.


I get it.

I'm starting to enjoy this sick open relationship I have with them.

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