Ch 2. Glenn

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"When you
start seeing your
you'll find it
to stay around
people who don't."

You wiped the knife with the dark red handkerchief, ridding the blade of any leftover walker blood.

Six people from the group left to get some supplies from the city. You offered to go, but they turned you down. They said you weren't experienced enough.

What do they know?

You've been by yourself for most of your life, fending for yourself, living on your own. You knew how to defend yourself and how to kill walkers, living people, too. You were left alone at the age of fifteen. But now, at age thirty-four, you have to learn to work with others.

A car alarm went blaring throughout the mountains, startling you. You were gutting one of the squirrels that Daryl brought from hunting. He left again earlier in the day to look for a deer. You wanted to go with him but he was persistent when he said no to you. Although he was an asshole and seemed to hate you, you couldn't help but like him. He was made for this new world. And so were you.

Glenn pulled up in a red sports car. Amy and Shane were yelling at him over the ear-piercing alarm. Amy was asking about Andrea, and Shane was asking for him to pop the hood of the car. He was smiling the whole time- excited about the car. You weren't listening to the conversation they were having. You're too busy with the bloody squirrel in your hands.

When a box truck pulled up behind them you finally turned fully around. Amy went running to Andrea, and Morales went over to his family. He said that there was another man, who supposedly saved them. 

He got out of the truck and it seemed like time stopped. He ran towards Carl, who was crying and running forward. The man hugged Carl tightly as they fell to the ground. You looked at Lori and she had a face you couldn't read. She was staring at the man with her hand on her mouth. He walked over to her with Carl in his arms. They hugged, and everyone else was smiling at them. That was Rick. Lori told you about him, and how he died before the apocalypse started.

Wasn't he shot? How is he here right now? 

So many questions ran through your head as you stared at them with a blank expression on your face. You weren't one to show emotions unless it was necessary.

Everyone was back unharmed except for one person. Merle Dixon.

You weren't fond of the racist man, but you were fond of his brother. When Daryl came back you knew that he was going to back for Merle. You'd have to go too because there was nothing else to do around here. Plus, it might get you on his good side. And there's nothing that anyone can do to stop you from going.

They changed the subject when Glenn mentioned Merle, but you knew they'd eventually have to tell Daryl. But for now, they were celebrating the reunions of the other families.


"I said I'm going. There ain't a thing that you can do that will make me change my mind," You said, glaring at Shane as you got into the back of the truck.

"Stupid bitch. Be careful with her, she might turn on you any chance she gets," Shane muttered to Rick.

You rolled your eyes at the insult and slid to the floor. Daryl looked at you, confused but shook his head after a few moments. "Come on, let's go!" He yelled, honking the horn.

Hopefully, Merle hasn't done anything stupid while he was alone.


You shot one of the men in the leg as they stuffed Glenn into the car. He yelled in pain as the other man dragged him into the car. You shot at the wheels screaming, "Come back here you bastards!" 

You growled as you shoved the boy behind you into the wall. "Son of a bitch. Where'd the hell they take him?!"

He gasped as you pressed your knife hard against his neck. Blood started to trickle down his neck. You couldn't kill him, not yet. You had to find out where they took Glenn.

"Where is he?!" You pressed the knife deeper, making him scream.

Daryl pulled you away before you could cut too deep. You tried pushing him away but he held you back, his arms holding you tightly to his chest as Rick and T-Dog came running towards the two of you.

"They took Glenn. They fuckin' took Glenn," You whispered as you gripped Daryl's arm that was on your chest.

You charged towards the boy when Daryl loosened his grip on you. 

Rick came in this time, pushing you back as you punched and kicked. "Whoa whoa whoa. Stop it," He yelled.

"I'm gonna kill you, you bastard!" You yelled hotly. 

T-Dog was holding the boy back as he tried to run. You were seething as you pulled out of Rick's hold roughly.

"They took Glenn. That little bastard and his little bastard homie friends. I'm gonna stomp your ass!" Daryl yelled as he began to get pushed back by Rick.

You started to run back into the building as walkers began to get inside the alleyway. You grabbed your guns and stared as T-Dog came in, pulling the boy by the shirt. Daryl and Rick followed shortly behind them.

The boy was sat as Rick tried to talk to him calmly. "Those men you were with, we need to know where they went."

"I ain't telling you nothing," He said shaking his head.

"Jesus, man. What the hell happened back there?" T-Dog shook his head as he looked at you and Daryl.

"We told you, this little turd and his douchebag friends came out of nowhere and jumped us," Daryl said, pacing around the room.

The boy started to argue with Daryl, but you weren't listening anymore. Your vision became hazy and your ears were filled with Daryl's yelling. You stumbled and heard T-Dog ask if you were okay, but you couldn't answer because you had already blacked out.

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