Ch 3. Sane

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"Joy is a natural phenomenon.
Misery is your own creation."

When you woke up there was the sound of gunshots and screams around you. Opening your eyes, you noticed you were sat against a tree. People were dying and you weren't able to do anything.

Cold fingers touched your neck and you screamed, grabbing the knife that rested in a holster on your leg. You stabbed the walker before it could get a chance to gnaw on your flesh.

You stood up, ignoring the pain in your abdomen. You grabbed the gun that was hanging from your belt. Turning around, you killed dozens of walkers that were near you. There was crying and screaming. People were dying, and you didn't do anything. People were dying, and you didn't care.

Another hand roughly yanked you to the side. You looked up to see Daryl in front of you, shooting the dead.

Glenn was alright, though. Amy...not so much. You saw her on the ground, blood gushing out of her neck. Andrea was next to her, crying. People had guns in their hands and were killing walkers that had gotten in the camp.

Jesus, how long were you out?


"(Y/N), are you okay?" Glenn asked as you dug another grave. Blood was still emitting from the wound on your stomach. One of the men in Atlanta shot you. You didn't even notice.

"Fine, it's just hot," You answered.

"Holy shit, you're bleeding!" You winced as he yelled picking up the gun next to him.

Did he not care to ask why? He just assumes you were bitten and tries to shoot you right away. You thought he was your friend.

None of these people are your friends. Remember, they would kill you in a heartbeat.

You looked down sadly and picked up the rifle that was leaning against the RV. Shane lifted his gun to your head. He looked almost happy to kill you.

"I thought we don't kill the living or some shit. Why the hell are you pointing your gun at her then?" Daryl pushed you behind him, holding up his crossbow.

"I wasn't bitten." They didn't seem to be listening as you spoke.

Shane slowly put his gun down, glaring. Glenn looked at him, unsure, then hesitantly backed down. Everyone else was shaken, two members of their group, weren't dead yet- but might turn on them soon.

"Just-- Stay in the RV or something," Shane said to you.

"I said I wasn't fuckin' bit! Do you ever listen to a word I say?" You scoffed and grabbed your bag that contained most of your belongings and turned to leave.

"Where the hell are you goin'?" You heard Daryl ask as he grabbed onto your left arm.

"I can't do this shit anymore."

"We're going to the CDC. Don't think you're just gonna leave," He said, dragging you over to his truck.

You sighed as he sat you in the passenger's seat. There was arguing outside, but you didn't care anymore... You just wanted to leave this world.


The first smile appeared on your face. You haven't made a genuine smile in years. Tears welled up in your eyes as you laughed, surprising everyone in the group. The CDC was still there, and you watched as your friends-- no, your group, drank wine and laughed together. You swore off drinking, after what happened to you in the past because of it.

"Come on (Y/N). Just one drink," Lori said pushing a glass filled with wine, towards you.

"I said no. I don't drink, and never plan too."

"It's the end of the world. I think we lost all our plans while back." Some laughed at Lori's comment, but you said no again.

"Just a sip? If you don't like it, then we'll stop pestering you," Dale said.

"I said no."

"May I ask why?" Lori asked.


"You seriously need to loosen up. Just try a sip."

"I'm sorry. I just can't."

You stood up, the chair scraping the floor as you pushed it. Tears were blurring your vision as you ran to the room you would be staying in.

You took off your clothes and stepped into the shower. You sighed as the warm water slid down your naked body. Your hair was no longer tangled as you massaged your scalp with the lavender shampoo from your bag. You kept the bottle just in case you found a working shower again.

Water dripped onto the tiles when you finally stepped out. You walked back into the room and took out a tank-top from your bag- there was a pair of shorts and underwear already on the bed. You were about to pull it on, but the door opened.

When you turned around and saw Daryl, heat rose to your cheeks and you pulled the towel back on quickly.

"Fuck, sorry. Wrong room," He said slamming the door after he left.

You sighed out in relief as you got dressed.

He needs to learn to knock.


"There's nothing left anywhere? Nothing? That's what you're really saying, right?"

Nothing. Anywhere. That's what this world has come too. The strong ones survive, and the weak die. Well, they become the undead. The whole world is now conquered by the dead.

"Man, I'm gonna get shitfaced drunk again," Daryl said rubbing his eyes.

"Dr. Jenner, I know this has been taxing for you and I hate to ask one more question, but... That clock-- It's counting down. What happens at zero?" Dale asked pointing at the timer.

"The basement generators-- They run out of fuel," He answered.

"And then?" Rick asks but is met with silence. "Vi, what happens when the power runs out?"

When the power runs out, facility-wide decontamination will occur.


You pulled out your rifle and checked the ammunition before walking up to Dr. Jenner. Your vision was filled with red as you walked up to him with the gun aimed at his head.

"Open the door, or God help me, I will blow your fucking head off."

Rick was yelling at you, but you weren't listening to him anymore. You refuse to die in here. When Dr. Jenner looked away and didn't say anything you threw the gun down in frustration and picked up a hatchet that was lying on the ground. You ran up to the door and started swinging. Tears were slowly rolling down your cheeks, but you didn't care. You had to get out. This is not how you're going to die.

Suddenly, the door opened and you were running towards the exit. Everyone was yelling behind you as you ran up the stairs.


Explosions, death, and lost hope. That's all that happened today. The CDC blew up. Jacqui and Jim died. And you learned that nowhere is safe in the world.

You tried to have hope- tried to be happy so that at least you'd have your sanity. But... nothing in this world is sane anymore.

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