Ch 4. The Greenes

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"I looked at him
as a friend
until I realized
I loved him."

Screams filled your head as you looked across the field, at the barn. Something was wrong with the place, why was it locked? You didn't say anything though because you trusted the Greenes, after all, they saved Carl's life.

He was shot when he went with Rick and Shane, trying to look for Sophia. A man named Otis had shot through a deer, the bullet passing onto Carl.

He was fine now, but nobody could find Sophia. Daryl had left a few hours ago but he still hasn't come back. You were about to tell Rick that you were going after him, but when you looked behind him as you were speaking you saw something- a walker, heading towards the farm.

Glenn, Rick, Shane, and T-Dog were running behind you, but when you looked closely you realized it wasn't a walker, it was Daryl.

Without thinking, you ran up to him and wrapped your arms around his torso. You didn't care what he thought of you after this; if he hated you, you were just glad that he's alright.

You could hear him saying something to Rick and the others but you weren't listening. Everything was muffled. Your face was pressed against Daryl's chest, and you felt his hand on your back. But it quickly fell as a bullet whizzed across the field and grazed Daryl's head.

You gasped as Daryl fell to the ground, pulling you down with him. Rick and Shane lifted him up and took him to the house as you lagged behind in shock.

Tears were burning in your eyes as they carried him away. You probably screamed but you still couldn't hear anything, everything was spinning.

He can't just die, can he?

You've never cared if someone you knew died. Death never fazed you. But Daryl might be dead right now and your heart was breaking with every small step you took. You've never felt like this before. Nothing ever broke you like this. Then you clenched your fist over your beating heart; finally realizing something.

You're in love with Daryl Dixon.


"Is he okay? Answer me, you guys!" You looked at Rick and Shane as they blocked the door.

"We don't know yet, (Y/N)," Rick said.

"Okay. Just tell me when I'm allowed inside."

You plopped down in front of the door and rubbed your eyes.

"Go get some rest. He'll be fine."

"No, I'm waiting here until I'm allowed in."

Rick stopped arguing and walked out the front door, Shane following suit. The door opened as soon as they left and Hershel walked out with Patricia behind him.

"He'll be just fine," Hershel answered before you could ask. "He's still passed out, but you can go inside if you want too. Just don't wake him."

"Alright, thanks."

You stepped into the room, closing the door behind you. Daryl was buried beneath the covers with a bandage on his head. You sat on the chair next to the bed.

He looked peaceful for once. Laid on the bed, with his eyes shut tight. You sighed and rested your eyes, just for a moment.


You were right. There was something wrong with the barn. Glenn blurted out that Hershel kept walkers in the barn. Walkers. Honestly, what is wrong with this man. How the hell does somebody keep walkers near their house.

The walkers were going down. One by one. But when Sophia stepped out of the barn... everything stopped. Bullets weren't being shot, and there was no longer any yelling.

Carol ran up, trying to get to her daughter, but Daryl quickly grabbed her from behind. There was once again, crying and screaming- mostly from Carol.

Rick was going to shoot her but he didn't have too. You shot her first. They all turned to you as you dropped the gun and ran over to your tent.


You packed everything into your duffel bag, slinging your shotgun onto your back. There is no way you are staying with the Greenes, knowing that they could just bring more walkers into the barn.

Everyone was already asleep except for whoever was on watch. You made sure that there was a way you could get out of the farm without them seeing you, and you were headed that way now. Daryl didn't let you leave last time but now... nobody was stopping you.


There were walkers everywhere. Pretty soon they would get to the farm. That's why you tried to kill every single one that walked past you. You couldn't tell if anyone from the group has been looking for you. They probably didn't even know you were gone.

You stopped to catch your breath when a twig snapped from behind you.

Shit. They found you.

You turned around slowly with your gun raised to your eye.

"Who's there?" You whispered into the warm air.

No response.

"Why are you following me?"


"If you're looking for food or something, I ain't got anything on me." And with that, you started to walk away.

"Why the hell did you leave?" The voice made you freeze in place.

"Been looking for you for days now."

"I got tired. Tired of everything," You said, turning to face him.

"Could've told me instead of giving up," He said, somewhat angry.

"Believe what you want, I just can't do this anymore. I'm in love with someone I can't have and almost everyone hates me or doesn't trust me." You covered your mouth, realizing what you said.

"You love someone?"

You avoided Daryl's eyes and looked at your feet.

"Come on, let's just go back," He said, changing the subject.

"Okay, fine."

There was no longer a reason to argue.


There was yelling outside as you tried to sleep. They were arguing about you. Shane wanted to kick you out while Daryl was siding against it.

You put your hands over your ears, trying to block out all the noise. It was no use, there was voices on the outside and the inside.

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