Ch 6. Loss of Trust

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"Strangers, are just family you have yet to come to know."

"Hello?" You glanced around the forest, looking for your group. They must be nearby. They wouldn't leave you behind, would they?

The forest was somewhat empty. If you don't consider the walkers lurking somewhere within the trees.

"Guys?" Your voice was a small whisper that filled the silence of the forest.

The sun was out and burning onto your skin. The trees didn't cover anything. You were by the empty road. They must have left you behind.

You put your hands on your knees, something in your body cracked as you tried to get up.

How long have you been here?

Looking down, there were tire marks on the asphalt beneath you. They must have left in a hurry.

There's no way in hell they are leaving you out here to rot. You'd find them. There are enough tracks to probably reach the prison in a few hours.


Alright, maybe not a few hours.

It's already been two or three months. The tracks we're headed nowhere. It must've been another vehicle.

There wasn't anywhere to go but forward. So on you went. For miles and miles. You probably were going in circles. Waking up in one spot, and heading in a completely different direction the following day.

But God must have pitied you after a while. There it was. The prison. Standing in all its glory. Walkers were still surrounding the place, but there were more than usual.

They were inside the building too.

There was a broken-down tank. Dead bodies lying all over the place, the dead and the living. And when you finally got inside, everyone was gone.

Well, you are fucked.


It's been a few days since you found the prison again. You're still out looking for your group. They might have left you, but you still wanted to find them. Surely not everyone agreed to abandon you.

You were looking for food when you stumbled upon a wall. Yes, a wall. A tall reinforced one at that.

There must be people inside. Maybe even food and water.

Suddenly the gate opened, startling you from your thoughts. A woman with shoulder-length blonde hair came up to you. She smiled as you clenched your hand around your gun.

"We're not going to hurt you. We can help, " She said calmly, with her hands raised next to her face.

"Why the hell would you help me?"

"Because you're a survivor."

It seemed like a stupid reason, but at the moment... you'd do anything for some food.


People stared as you walked next to the woman named Deanna. You probably looked like crap. Dried mud was on your face, probably even mixed with someone's blood.

"We were saving these two houses but you can stay in one of them for now if you'd like. Maybe even take a quick shower?" Deanna said, gesturing to the two houses in front of you.

"Who were you saving it for?"

"Oh, it doesn't matter now. They'll probably be here in a few days anyhow." She paused to look at the gun that was still in your hand. "We'll have to take that. But for now, enjoy the hot water."

"H-hot water?" She walked away as you stuttered.

It's probably been years since you got a real hot shower; in a functioning house with electricity.


You groaned in displeasure as you awoke. Even a warm bed didn't keep the nightmares away. You still dreamed about it. About him. The Governor.

Although you saw his dead body at the prison, he was always in your head. And he probably always will be.

The doorbell rang throughout the house.

You stumbled down the stairs, tripping over your own feet as you reached the bottom.

Deanna was at the door. She smiled and greeted you with a good morning. You just nodded in response.

"The group is here today. You won't be able to stay here anymore. Unless they let you stay with them. You'll just have to ask. Want to come to meet them? They just arrived a few minutes ago."


She led you down the porch and to the front gate where a large group of people stood talking to Aaron and Nicholas.

You recognized them from somewhere. But the sun was in your eyes, blocking a full view of their faces.

"(Y/N)? Is that you?"

That was Rick's voice. What is he doing here? You walked closer, seeing a few new faces and some of the people you missed most.

Then you spotted Daryl. He was staring at you in shock with an animal carcass in his hand, but you didn't question it. You were to busy running into his arms to care.

He easily dropped the dead animal, bringing his hands up to your back, holding you tightly while you were held a few inches high in the air. You could feel the joyful tears on your face.

You've missed everyone. So much. But then, the realization hit you. You might have missed them, but they didn't miss you.

They're the ones that left you on the side of the road. The ones that didn't bother coming back for you.

You quickly pushed Daryl away. He gave a stern look of confusion.

"The hell are you doing here?" He asked, squinting through the sun.

"I could ask you the same."

He ignored your response, "Why'd you leave?"

"What the hell are you talking about? I didn't leave." You narrowed your eyes at his accusation.

"Rick said ya left before I came back with Merle. Said that you pointed your gun at everyone, then disappeared down the road." He was glaring at you as each word slipped out of his lips.

"What kind of bullshit is that? Where the hell is he? That son of a bitch!" You were practically fuming. Your face was hot with anger.

"So, ya didn't leave the group?"

"What do you think? They're the ones that pretty much left me on the side of the road! When I came back to the prison, everyone was gone. I was so fucking scared. I wasn't even mad that they left me. But now, Rick's making up some kind of lie? Where'd he go? I need to have a talk with him."

He didn't say anything, but you could tell he was mad. His brows were furrowed and his teeth were showing in a snarl. But that didn't stop him from pulling you back into a tight hug.

You didn't even realize the tears streaming down your face. You sobbed into his shirt, not being able to stop it.

"Don't let them leave me. Please, please, please Daryl."

"Nobody's gonna take you away from me again, you hear? You'll be just fine."

You nodded into his chest, there wasn't anything more to say. He already said it all.

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