Ch 7. What Happened

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"You never know how
crazy a person
is... until they tell
you their

Everyone avoided your gaze. They were too guilty to say anything.

The only person that actually came up to you was Glenn. Nobody else bothered to talk to you.

Glenn apologized repeatedly. He wasn't a part of it. There was an argument before they left you on the empty, walker-infested, road. He was one of the few people that yelled at Rick.

He didn't tell him what happened at Woodbury, but that was one of the reasons he was against the plan. You had just faced something so traumatic, and soon after, your family leaves you.

Right before he could throw a punch at Rick- that he'd probably regret, Maggie pulled him into the car. He told you that he didn't bother fighting back anymore.

You received a small hug, then he left.


"I'm not staying in that house. You can't make me. Those people betrayed me. Even if I forgive a few of them, that still puts a pain in my heart. They were my friends. My family. I've never had one of those. Even now, there are very few people I'd let close to me." You looked across the street at Carl and Rick who were talking happily to each other.

"I'm sorry (Y/N), the other houses are full. You can stay outside but-"

You cut Deanna off, "Alright, do you have any tents lying around?"

"Fine, but we're having a welcoming party tonight. You come to the party, you get your tent." She crossed her arms and gave you a stern look.



You forced Daryl to go with you. He eventually agreed after rejecting the offer several times.

"I'm going on a run tomorrow, wanna come with me?" You asked as you and Daryl walked over to the lit-up house. The loud chatter between peers almost drowned out your own voice.

"You're goin' by yourself?"

"Yeah, figured I'd get some time to myself. But, I would like it better if you came with me." You looked down sheepishly and played with the stretched-out hem of your shirt.

"I'll go."

"Okay, thanks."

He hummed in response, walking up the steps to the porch.

"If you want we can just go do something else. I already got a tent. They probably wouldn't notice if I just ditched the party."

"Got nothing better to do anyway."


You walked through the open door. Thankfully nobody looked your way. You really didn't want to start a conversation.

"So what now, we just stand here?" Daryl crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against one of the walls.

"Dunno. I've never been to a party before. I was an outcast in my early years."

It looked like he was about to say something but Deanna quickly showed up behind him.

"Ricks has been looking for you, (Y/N). He wants to talk to you."

You stiffened. What could he possibly want?

"I'll go with y-" Daryl started.

"Oh, Daryl right? So how do you like it here? I didn't think you'd actually show."

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