Ch 8. Abandonment

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"It hurts, but it's alright.
I'm used to it."

You're drowning. At least, it feels that way. Drowning in pain, drowning in tears, drowning in blood. You're suffocating. There's nobody around. You're alone. Sitting by one of the trees on the outside.

The others are still having fun amongst themselves. Like you care anyway. They can go back to ignoring you, and it would hurt you deep down. But you won't let it show. They don't have to watch a useless girl having a mental breakdown.

There's blood running down your neck. You coughed, more blood sputtering out from your mouth. You went too far from Alexandria. A man shot you, thinking you were a walker probably. You killed him before he could run away.

You choked and tried to stand. But pain struck in your stomach. The bullet was still in there somewhere. You were going to become some walker's dinner.

Ignoring the agonizing pain spreading throughout your body, you stood on your feet. You trembled as you pushed through the forest. There were groans behind you.


You started moving your feet faster. Each step hurt but you'd be fine, hopefully...

There was nobody in the watchtower when you got back, so you let yourself in. Everybody was still at the party, ignoring the fact that you left the house in tears.

You winced as more blood came flowing out of the wound on your abdomen. Nobody would want to even go near you after your outburst, so you decided to fix the problem yourself.


"Fuck," You muttered as the needle went through your skin.

Your hand was shaking as you stitched the gunshot wound. There was nobody there to help you if you passed out from blood loss.

After the sewing was finally done you put a bandage right on top. Some blood seeped through but you quickly wiped it with a tissue and pulled your shirt back on.

The streets were empty except for one person sitting by one of the trees. When you saw the crossbow in their hands you knew it was Daryl.

You limped over and sat down next to him, making a small noise of discomfort.

"When did you get back. Told Rick I was gonna go looking for you tomorrow. I wouldn't be able to find ya in the dark."

"I was shot. I had to come back to patch myself up. I'm not ready to die just yet."

"You were shot? Where? Didn't hear a gunshot. You okay?" He reached over and put his hand on your shoulder, worry written on his face.

"I'm fine now, I guess. I stitched myself up after removing the bullet."

"Shit. I could've helped ya. Wasn't doin' anything important."

You gave a small smile to assure him you were okay.

You're not okay.

He patted your shoulder gently before saying, "Heard you and Rick. I want you to know that I care about you. Don't go runnin' off again."

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