Ch 9. Here We Meet Again

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"Sometimes Memories
Sneak Out Of My Eyes
And Roll Down My

Your hands trembled as you reached for the rustic doorknob. Your parents were still resting in the other room. A duffel bag with apparel was heaved around your shoulder.

But apparently, God just wasn't on your side today. The floorboard creaked beneath you- loudly.

The door to your parent's room opened and your father appeared with his shotgun. He looked at you once and immediately threw down the gun. His feet stomped down the hall as he looked at you with such hostility.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?" He spat and grabbed you by the shirt.

"I wasn't thinking. I'm sorry it won't happen again, daddy. I promise. Please don't. Not again."

He hauled you to your room and tossed you onto the bed, the springs squeaking under you.

"Little too late for that. Shoulda thought about the consequences before trying to leave my house."

You could only remember the pain of the fist colliding with your face before you lost consciousness.


"(Y/N). (Y/N)!"

You looked up at Carol who was jerking your shoulders.

"Hm? What's up?"

"I've been calling your name for a while now. Are you alright?"

You looked up at the ceiling. Carol was sitting next to you on the sofa. She was still talking but you couldn't hear anything anymore.

You blocked out all the outside noise. Memories came flashing back into your life, piece by piece. You couldn't avoid it, everything just came flooding in at once. You'd overlooked your past. You never thought about your parents up until now. They now plagued your dreams.

"I'm fine, Carol," You said quietly.

"(Y/N), you're crying," She replied, rubbing your shoulder.

When had you started crying?

"I-- I'm okay..."

"Is about what happened at Woodbury? If it is then-"

"It's not," You denied it.

Right when Carol was about to say some other smart retort, the front door was slammed open. Daryl made his way over to the sofa, looking Carol in the eye, but avoiding yours.

"Rick needs to talk to you," He said.

"Okay, I'll get going then." She gave you and Daryl a quizzical look before leaving.

You didn't bother saying a word to him. You knew he'd ignore you anyways. There was no point in trying anymore. The room was silent. You looked at him, and when he noticed your stare he narrowed his eyes and turned to walk away.

Okay, maybe the silent treatment won't work on him.


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