Chapter 1

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Camdyn's Pov

Crying isn't a uncommon thing in my room. I've been beaten and abused for three years now. No where for me to go so I still live with my abusive father.

My mom works in the US while I live in Scotland. She got a better job that is able to allow us to live a better life. She comes home every three weeks.

My mom is the only one who supports me being trans. My sister, Carmen is a support system too but she lives full time in the US for college so I only see her on holidays.

Today I forced myself out of bed once again. I walked to my wardrobe and pulled on my binder and a t shirt instead on my pajama shirt. I slipped on some jeans and walked upstairs.

"There you are Camryn" I winced, I hated that name. "Hi Dad" I sighed. I grabbed the things I needed for a bowl of cereal. Sitting down at the table I began eating.

"Camryn, today I'm going to the club I won't be back tonight probably. So do whatever you want except spend my money bitch" He said before walking out the front door.

I finished eating and washed my bowl and spoon. I plopped on my bed and got on my phone. I giggled reading the message my online friend Lane sent me.

Lane: I killed my cactus

Camdyn: Well how'd you do that😂

Lane: Idfk

I giggled sitting up.

(6 hours later)

I walked towards my shoe rack and pulled on my riding boots. I threw on a hoodie and walked outside. "Hi Mimi" I said patting my horse I've had since I was 7.

I stacked some hay in the stalls with my family's horses and guiding Mimi out of her stall before I buckled on her saddle, harnesses and reins.

I guided her out of the stable and into the acres of our yard. I grabbed the bag I had packed before with snacks and water.

I then hoisted myself of Mimi my bag on my back and we started off. Riding her in the yard first we trotted towards the road. She galloped down the side of the road alongside the cars. See the faces of little kids in the back seats made my day.

I took Mimi up to my favorite spot. A cliff a few miles away from my home. Once we reached the spot I tied Mimi's rein to a nearby tree. I sat on a log near the edge of a cliff to watch the sunset. I opened my bag and took out a few granola bars.

"Hey care to share" I heard a voice say from behind me. I turned around. "Lane!" I screamed running into his arms. "I didn't know you lived here" I said looking up at his tall figure. Fuck being 5'4

"I didn't know you lived here Cam" He said. Mimi snorted from the side of me. "It's getting dark, let's go" I said. I pulled myself on the saddle and helped Lane get behind me. He wrapped his arms around my torso and we set off galloping back towards my home.

"You're parents won't be weirded out with me being there out of nowhere?" Lane asked. "Nobody is home my dad left hours ago" I said. "your mom?" He asked. "She is in the US she works there" I said. I felt him nod. We arrived at my house within an hour and I helped Lane off.

I filled Mimi's food and took off all her gear and brushed her before putting her back in her stall. I led Lane inside and to the kitchen flipping on lights as we go.

"Whatcha want?" I asked opening the fridge. "I don't know never been here y'know" he said. "well come here then" I said he walked over. He grabbed out just a can of soda.

"It's late, I'll blow up an air mattress for you and put in down here" I said. "I sleep down here when nobody is home anyway" I said. "okay" Lane replied.

I blew up an air mattress and went upstairs I put on a pair of pajama pants and a t-shirt. I grabbed a few pillows and blankets before going and taking some of my dad's pajamas for Lane.

"Here, these are my dad's but mine wouldn't fit you" I said. "thanks" he said he walked into the bathroom. I threw a couple pillows and a blanket on the air mattress and made myself comfortable of the couch.

Lane came and layed down on the air mattress I turned the TV on and we fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning to the front door shutting. I heard shoes slide off. Shit I thought. "Hey Camry-" My dad started. "Who the fuck is that" He yelled.

"Dad, this is my friend Lane" "Cam, what's going on" Lane said sitting up.

"Camryn! Why the fuck is there a boy here and I didn't know" my dad screamed at me. "Because he's my friend, I didn't know I needed your permission to have a friend over when your our getting drunk off your ass" I yelled back.

"Woah, Camdyn calm down" Lane said grabbing my shoulder. I took a deep breath. Slap I felt a sting on my cheek.

"Don't you ever talk back to me young lady" My dad said. "Sir, I do not know what is going on here but you have no right to treat him like that" Lane said standing up.

He was taller than my dad by a few inches. "And who do you think you are talking to an adult like that" My dad said. "Don't dad" I said standing up. Kick I collapsed in pain clutching my shin.

My dad stormed upstairs after kicking me a few more times. "Damn, Cam are you okay?" Lane said kneeling next to me. He had his phone out and was visibly calling CPS.

"Lane don't call them-" I said. "Cam, it's for your own safety" he said and held the phone to his ear. "Mhm yeah I'm with a friend and just witnessed abuse" Lane said to the phone. I opened my mouth to talk but Lane put a finger to his lips

I was still holding my throbbing shin. "Mhm okay thank you" Lane said and he hung up. "They are on their way Cam, it's not safe for you to be here with him" Lane said. "I've lived like this for years Lane" I said picking at the carpet.

"That's not okay Cam" He said. We sat in the living room watching TV and my dad can back downstairs.

"Why the fuck are you still here get away from my daughter!" Dad screamed. Before Lane could answer there was a knock at the door.

"Have another boy coming round slut?" My dad said walking towards the door. He opened it and a women and a man stood there.

"Sir we're from child protective services, we had a report of abuse going on in this household" The woman said letting herself in and inspecting the area.

"No no, you must have the wrong home" my dad said quickly. "No they don't" I said standing up limping a little. "Who are you" The lady asked.

"I'm Camryn his daughter" I said making myself cringe at my words. "I see, can you take the father upstairs please Jake" The women said. He nodded and forced my dad upstairs.

She walked over to the couch and patted the spot next to her in-between her and Lane.

"You are?" She asked him "Lane, I'm a good friend" he said she nodded.

"So Camryn how long has this been going on?" She asked I counted back mentally in my head "three years" I said.

"Do you remember why? Alcohol? Drugs?" She asked. "It's my fault, when I was fourteen I came out as trans and he refused it he said I would always be a girl, my mom supports me but she works in the US" I said.

She nodded writing something on a note pad. "We will have to take your father away for domestic violence and child endangerment" she said. "But since you are eighteen and a legal adult we can't put you in the system, so you can remain here if you would like"

"Okay" I said. "Do you know how long he will be locked up?" I asked. "The least four years the most ten, depends on how court goes" she says. I nodded.

"Thank you for your time young man" she said. "Thank you for helping me" I said. She went upstairs and a few minutes later they came down with my dad in handcuffs.

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