Chapter 4

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Xenia's POV

I parked in Camdyn's driveway and got the key letting myself in. He wasn't in the living room like he normally was when home alone. I went to his room, he wasn't there.

I went upstairs and checked his parents and Carmen's room. He wasn't in those rooms either. Lastly I check the guest bedroom.

I opened the door to Camdyn snuggled up to some boy. Camdyn jumped awake when I opened the door and poked the boy in my face.

He opened his eyes and jumped. "Who are you?" We said at the same time. Camdyn groaned standing up and taking us both downstairs.

"Babe, this is Xenia my best friend, Xenia this is Lane my boyfriend" Camdyn said. "When did you plan on telling me you had a boyfriend" I pouted.

"Today. I went to wake this sleepyhead up and fell asleep with him" Camdyn said. "You mister better treat this boy right, or I will hurt you" I said to Lane.

He unwrapped his arms from Camdyn's waist and put them in the air. "Will do ma'am"

Camdyn's Pov

We went out to lunch to a corner diner in town. We found a seat and ordered.

"Tell me more about yourself Lane" Xenia said. "I gotta make sure you won't hurt the child"

"I'm a high school graduate, I have a job at this diner actually, I just moved in with Camdyn, um yeah" he replied.

"You sound like a good kid Lane, but I'm gonna say this again if you hurt Camdyn I will personally hunt you down and hurt you" Xenia said.

"I got that" Lane replied. The waiter brought us our food and we continued talking while we ate. We had gone out to the car.

"So I have a surprise since I missed your birthday last month Cam" Xenia giggled from the backseat.

"What did you do now?" I asked. "I bought us tickets to go to Disney Parissss" she squealed. My jaw dropped and I turned around to her. I had always wanted to go.

"Seriously?" I asked. "Yes seriously" she replied. "I didn't know Lane existed so I don't have a ticket for him though" she said.

"My mom bought them Xenia" Carmen said. "You knew about this" I asked Carmen. Lane was laughing in the driver's seat.

"Yeah, I had to have someone help me plan" Xenia said. "We have a hotel booked for a week in Paris, we have six days worth of tickets, and our flight leaves at ten tonight" Carmen said.

I sat facing forward again smiling huge. I was like a little kid. We drove home and I ran down to my room. It was already two. I grabbed my suitcase from my closet.

I packed a week worth of clothes and a pair of swim trunks. I also packed my bookbag with my anxiety meds. I put my laptop and chargers in it as well as a few snacks.

When I took my things upstairs everyone else had their stuff their up there. I sat on the couch with Lane who was watching some TV show.

Soon enough I fell asleep.

Lane's POV

Cam fell asleep on me on the couch. I moved him off me and put a blanket on him before going to help Xenia with dinner.

We made mac and cheese with hamburger. I went to wake Cam up so we could eat. "Cam, wake up" I said shaking him a little. He groaned and rolled over. "Get up" I whined shaking him harder.

He started giggling and pushed my hands away before sitting up. "Good afternoon sir" I said. I picked him up and took him to the table.

We grabbed the extra chair from the basement so we all had a seat. "Eat up so we can get to the airport, Casen is taking us" Xenia said. "Who's Casen?" I asked. "Her twin brother" Carmen said. I nodded.

We all ate and soon enough a boy burst through the door. "Damnit Casen what have I told you about knocking" Xenia said getting up from her chair and taking all the dishes to the dish washer.

"To knock before walking in" he sighed. "Exactly" Xenia said. "We better get going it's rush hour" he said and we all put on our shoes and grabbed the luggage.

Once arriving at the airport it was eight. We went through security and stuff and had about thirty minutes until boarding the plane.

"Cam go take off you binder" I said whispering in his ear. "I thought you would forget about that" he sighed. "Here" I said. I grabbed one of my hoodies from my bag. "Go take your binder off and wear this"

He giggled taking it and going to the restroom. He came out a few minutes later. He put the binder in his bookbag and we boarded the plane.

After putting our bags in the overhead bin and going through the security video we took off. It was me and Cam in a row with a random person and Xenia and Carmen in the row across from us with someone else.

I was watching a movie on the TV thing when Cam fell asleep on me. He has a weird obsession with doing that. He looked adorable in my hoodie which was huge on him.

When we landed a few hours later I woke him up and we got our luggage and such before grabbing our Uber to the hotel. It was one in the morning by the time we got to our Paris hotel.

We put on pajamas and went to bed excited for they day ahead.


When we woke up the next morning it was hot out, and I mean hot out. We all slowly started moving about the small hotel room.

Camdyn went to get changed in the bathroom and I sat on the bed. He came out soon after wearing a tanktop and shorts.

He sat down on the bed next to me and the girls started fighting over the bathroom. Xenia got to the bathroom first and Carmen went towards the closet. She was impatient today.

Screw it. I walked over to my suit case and got out a pair of shorts and a tank top. Taking off my pajama shirt and throwing in the corner near my suitcase and pulled on the tank top.

I pulled of my pajama pants and watched Camdyn's face go pink. I pulled on the shorts and sat down next to him.

Soon enough Xenia and Carmen were done. We went to the lobby of the hotel and then to the car rental place. We got a nice size SUV, and made our way to the park.

We got to the park and Carmen took us to get fast passes. Then we went, and entered the park for the first time. Watching Camdyn's face as we walked in was amazing his eyes went wide and he smiled big.

I laughed at he looked in amazment at everything. "You happy babe" I asked him. He looked up at me. "Yes I'm happy!" He giggled hugging me. "C'mon guys!" He said leading us deeper into the park.


We left the park just as it was closing that night after a day full of rides and games. Camdyn bought a few souvenirs like, a stuffed animal, a t-shirt, and a hoodie.

When we got back to the hotel it was eleven but nobody was tired from the adrenaline rush we had from our first day at Disney. I sat down on the couch Carmen was sleeping on.

"You wanna go find somewhere to get food?" Xenia asked we hadn't eaten since eight. "Yeah" Carmen said. "You boys want something?" "Just get me something to drink" I said "same"

The girls left and after a few minutes of me and Cam just talking he got hyper and was jumping on the beds.

"Don't Cam" I said. He sat down. "But whyy" he complained. "Because I don't wanna get kicked out" I laughed.  When the girls got back we decided that tomorrow would be the day we take off from Disney to explore Paris.


We woke up the next morning at eight and got dressed ready to spend a day in Paris. I pulled on my bookbag and stuffed my phone in my phone before following everyone out the hotel door. We got to the parking garage and found the car.

Then we set off for our day in Paris.

Xenia was driving today cuz me and Carmen have road rage and she also lost rock paper scissors against Lane.

I was sitting in the back with Lane as we headed to a Cafe we heard about.

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