Chapter 9

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Lane's POV

I watched as the rolled Cam back to the operating room. My anxiety had never been bad but it was high today.

I sighed leaning back into my chair. His mom looked at me. "He'll be alright my little boy's a fighter" she assured me.

"Three hours without knowing anything is a long time" I said.

"I know but at least it isn't a twelve hours surgery" she said. She had a point.

I looked through my messages from my parents asking how things were going. As the hours rolled by I got more an more anxious.

Finally Cam's surgeon came down the hall. "Everything went perfect" he said. I sighed in relief. "Would you like to see him?"

"Yes please" his mom said. The surgeon took us to Cam's recovery room where he was still asleep.

"Dr.Watson will be in once he wakes up" he said.

"Okay thank you" Sara said smiling. The surgeon left and I sat down in the chair right next to Cam's bed. Over time he slowly started coming to.

I smiled at him when he looked over at me. "Hey babe how you feeling?" I asked.

"Different" he giggled still a little woozy from the anesthesia. The pain meds were running pretty strong at the moment as well.

"Hey sweetheart" his mom said kissing his forehead.

"Hi Mama" he giggled like a little kid.

The doctor came in a little while later and Cam wasn't so woozy and could actually speak like a normal seventeen years old.

"So we will probably be keeping you for about two weeks to make sure everything is looking okay, and we'll be easing you off the high pain meds throughout the next few days. I don't think I have to tell you not to walk because you really can't" he said writing something on his clipboard.

He checked a few things with Cam before heading out. "Am I allowed to eat? I'm starving" he said.

"Yeah I'll go tell a nurse your feeling hungry" Sara said.

"Okay thanks Mom" he said she smiled at him before leaving.

I looked at Cam who was propped up in his bed looking extra tired because he hadn't slept much the night before. He smiled at me.

"Come here" he said. I walked over and sat on the end on the bed.

"What?" I asked.

He grabbed my face and kissed me. "God I've been waiting to do that since I woke up" he said. I laughed.

"Well you've been awake for almost two hours now" I said.

"Yeah but my mom was in here and that would be awkward" he said.

"What does it feel like?" I asked. "Not having part of your leg anymore"

"Weird like I don't really notice it's gone until I look down because it feels like it's still there" he said. "It's not very painful right now because I'm pumped up on pain meds, I just really hope I can get back to running track one day"

"I know maybe we can talk to your doctor about it when he comes to check on you. If you even can run track again it probably won't be for a while" I said. "maybe you'll be running again just in time for track season in the spring"

"We gotta get me standing and walking before we even think about running" he said. "I'm not gonna lie I'm scared to go back to school. I can't walk at all anymore and kids are dicks" he said.

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