Part 1

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Anabeth raised her hand for a high five and Nico obliged then walked over to were will solace was waiting. "What was that about? Percy looked pretty suprised" will asked out of general curiosity. 'Gonna have to tell him eventually...' Nico thought. "I was just... Telling him that I-um used to have a crush on him. I'm over it now..." Nico said looking at the ground. "I'm pretty sure just about everyone in the camp had a crush on Percy at some point. Even me." Will replied with a laugh. "Now come on. You owe me three days in the infirmary!". Nico groaned "I feel fine you know. It's a waste of time" he complained. "To bad. Come on!" will grabbed Nicos wrist and dragged him towards the infirmary. Nico felt a blush creep up his neck but will didnt notice because he was running.

[at the infirmary]

Will dragged Nico in and nico stopped. He had never felt such an overlying sense of death. The feeling usually didn't bother him but this was much more extreme than he was used to "what's wrong? It's like you've never seen the infirmary before" will said with a grin."nothing I'm fine." Nico snapped. A slightly hurt look spread over wills face but he quickly replaced it with a smile "ok then. Follow me." He said and walked off. Nico followed will until he stopped causing nico to bump into him. "Sorry..." He mumbled, looking at the ground and ignoring the tingly feeling that touching will had caused 'snap out of it nico!' He thought. "S'okay. Here's your bed. Now sleep! Doctors orders." Will insisted. "You can't say that forever solace"nico said as he lie down. "Watch me" will smirked. "I gotta go take care of some stuff. I'll be back later." He continued. "Whatever sunshine" nico mockingly. "Just cuz I'm a son of Apollo doesn't mean you can call me that death boy!" Will said in annoyance. "Don't call me death boy" nico said. "Then don't call me sunshine" will smirked and walked away. Nico rolled his eyes and eventually fell asleep.

[time skip!]

Nico slowly opened his eyes and groaned as the light hit them. "Finally!" Will said. Nico jumped in surprise at the son of Apollo "how long was I asleep?" He asked. "Two days! I thought you were freaking dead!" He exclaimed. "I do that sometimes. What time is it?" he asked. But on the inside he was happy that will was worried about him. "Uh noon"will replied. "You hungry?" he asked. "Starving." confirmed nico. "I'll get you something. You still have to stay another day." Will reminded him. Nico groaned. "The dining pavilion is like ten yards away!" he complained. "I don't care you have to stay in bed. Doc-" nico cut him off"doctors orders. I get it." nico said lying back down.will laughed and walked out of the room.


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