the end part 2

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Nicos Pov

I screamed and punched the wall of the cave until my hands were bruised and bloody and the bite wound on my arm was ripped open. I slammed my head on the rock reopening the cut on my head. Then I passed out from blood loss. I woke up to a girl, I think her names jose, shaking my shoulder "wake up Nico " she said as I opened my eyes. "Wha? How did you find me here?"I asked. "I asked will if he remembered anywhere that no one else new about and he remembered every detail of this cave."jose answered. "Chiron told me to find you and make sure you weren't dead." She continued. "Well I'm not. Good bye."I said my hands in my pocket to cover the bloody bruises that are my fists. "Sorry di Angelo I have orders to bring you back with me."She said. "Well I'm not coming. See ya."I said. She glanced at my hoodie pocket "take your hands out of your pocket" she said. Dammit. "Why?" I asked  "just do it " she said. I sighed in surrender and showed her my hands. "What the hell nico?!" She exclaimed. "Calm down its not THAT bad."I said. She gave me a 'seriously?'face "you opened up the bite and gash from the hell Hound and your fists are covered in blood." She pointed out. "Ok so maybe it is bad. But I'm still not coming Back." I said. "You know nico, amnesia doesn't usually last very long. At least, not natural amnesia." She said probably remembering Percy and Jason's amnesia. "Really? Huh. OK fine I'm coming." I said and walked towards the mouth of the cave. We got back to the infirmary and will was asleep. Jose told me that there was a good chance that when he woke up he would have his memory. They put a bandage over my cut and bite as I stood staring blankly at a wall. I did not have high hopes. Will woke up and, as I expected,  did not have his memory. I spent less and less time at the infirmary as my hope depleted to nothing. Will was eventually aloud to leave and tried to re learn his life with the help of jose. "You wanna help nico?"She asked. "No thanks." Was all I said. I went to the sword arena and chopped up dummy after dummy until I was so tired I could barely stand. Then I went back to my cabin for a nightmare filled sleep. My dreams were all about losing him. Him dying before my eyes while I'm up able to move. Him deciding he doesn't like me any more. Me being possessed and killing him. Me not being possessed and killing him. That's how it went for weeks. Jose asking me to help. Me denying. Till one day while I was torturing a dummy I saw will out of the corner of my eye and I jumped. "Gods will. How long have you been standing there?" I asked. "Like five minutes. I was wondering, why have you been avoiding me?"he asked his golden eyes full of confusion. "I've been avoiding everyone."I said not quiet answering the question. "Yeah, but that's not what I asked." He pointed out. I sighed in defeat. "Well i...I wasn't sure why you liked me in the first place and...well I was afraid you wouldn't the second time..."I said quietly. " can you know if you don't even talk to me any more? I want to know you again. I want to remember."he said. Over the next few weeks I began to help jose help will. I stopped working myself to the bone in the arena and the nightmares began to dissipate as I realized that, for whatever reason, will still liked me.

Wills pov

The more Time I spent with the son of hades the more I realized why I fell in love with him. He was amazing and in all honesty freaking adorable. He helped me remember things about me that jose couldn't. He told me about the time he showed me the cave, about the battle with gaea and with Kronos and he told me about the quest with the seven. Eventually we were inseparable once again. But one thing nico never told me about wad the day we were attacked by the hell Hound. If I ever asked he changed the subject, so did anyone else I asked. Eventually I gave up deciding maybe I didn't want to remember. But, I decided, I definitely love nico.

Nicos Pov

All my worries were apparently ridiculous. Will was ok and things turn ed back to normal. Well, as normal as things could be. I was happy. Which was, as usual, when things started going wrong. The sword gash in wills abdomen was reopened in capture the flag. The gash that I put there. It shouldn't have been a problem, except that it got infected. He had to stay in the infirmary and I went back to spending all my time there. He was in a lot of pain and slept a lot and it was all my fault. What have I done? I thought. he could die from the cut I made. I don't deserve him. I don't deserve anyone. But if I even tried to apologize to will he said "shut up Nico. It's not your fault and I'm not gonna die so just don't ok?" But he wasn't getting any better. As time went on he got worse and worse. Until one morning he didn't wake up at sunrise like he usually does, injured or not. I started to worry as the apollo kids came in. He didn't wake up. They force fed him ambrosia. He didn't wake up. His heart kept beating, but to slow. He had brain waves, but not enough. He was alive, but just barely. Then one morning when jose checked his pulse, he didn't have one. "EVERY BODY IN HERE NOW!!! HE DOESN HAVE A PULSE!" One of his brothers rolled over one of those things they use to restart people's heart. "CLEAR" Jose yelled as she put them to his chest. I stood there staring at him in shock. "CLEAR" she yelled again repeating the action. It didn't work. I hadn't loved anyone in along time, and the blond haired golden eyed son of apollo that I did, never woke up. The other campers tried to comfort me but I shut them out ignoring them completely and pretended they weren't there. I packed my things and left the place that was once my home, and the only place I'd been happy since Bianca, never to return and never too love again.

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