Part 2

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Nicos pov!!!
After a few minutes will came back with a two plates of food. "Back" will said walking in."hey." I said sitting up. Will handed him a plate and as I grabbed it our hands touched. It made my fingers tingle and skeletal butterflies come alive in my stomach. I hated it. I pulled my hand away fast."thanks" I mumbled although I wasn't sure he heard me. He grinned and said "no problem". He sat on the bed next to mine."You can go eat with your cabin if you want. I'm used to being alone..."I say trailing off. "Well you shouldn't be"he said. "I'm staying at camp but it's not like anyone wants me here!" I say getting angry even though I'm still not sure why. "People care about you nico!" will said. his voice softens "I care about you..." oh my gods. Did he just confess that he likes me? No... he probably just meant as a friend.
Wills pov!!!
Mentally I slap myself in the face for that. Why would I say that? Ugh I probably creeped him out. Ugh. Then he did something unexpected. The son of hades kissed me. After a few seconds he pulled away. "Gods I'm so sorry will. I-I had to...i- gotta go!" he got up and ran out of the infirmary. I sprang up and chased him as he made his way into the hades cabin and locked the door. I knocked on it. "Nico!? Nico please come out!" I knock harder. "No! I'm sorry will!" I here him yell from inside. It sounded like he was crying. "I'm not!" I say "please open the door nico..." I plead. I here him walk over and slowly open the door. He gestures for me to come in and I do."y-you aren't?" He says wiping tears from his eyes. Gods he was adorable."not at all" I reply. "Um...I gotta tell you something..." He trails off. "What?" I ask. Then looking nervous,he says something in Italian. He looks frustrated so I'm guessing it was supposed to be English. Then he does the same thing in French. Then Latin. Then he apparently gives up and flops onto my chest. I laughed "I love you to dumbass" I said.

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