Part 4(arent my titles so creative?XD)

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Infinite pov!!!
Will pulled nico into a hug and rested his head on top of the son of hades'. Nico took a deep breath and sat up. "I'm ok now." He said his cheeks heating up. Will returned to his usual lop sided smile. "Wanna go to breakfast?"he asked. "Sure" nico replied and stood up,wiping his eyes once more. They walked out of the hades cabin. Nico walked over to his table and will followed him. "What about the table rule?" he asked. "Cuz of all the Romans Chiron said to just sit were ever" will explained. They both started eating. "Got anything planned today? I was told regular training starts back up next week"will said. Nico shrugged "I've got no ideas. Actually I wanna show you something..." He said as they both finnished their food. "Ok. Let's go" will and nico stood up as nico led the way into the woods. "Where are we going?"will asked after they had been walking a while. "You'll see. I found it leaving the camp through here once." Nico replied. They got to a steep rocky hill and began to climb. "How do you have the energy to do this? you barely ever eat." will said. Nico shrugged "I eat when I'm hungry. We're close."He said. Nico walked into a little cave just as will got to the top of the hill. He walked into a circular cavern that was open to the sky."here."he said

Sry bout the short chapter but I'm tired!!!-author

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