the end

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I cuddled up to wills warm shoulder as I slowly ate my chocolate bar. i LOVE chocolate more than anything ever. Except maybe a certain blond haired son of apollo I know. He put his arm around me and kissed the top of my head causing me to (annoyingly enough) go slightly red in the face. We were both content and happy. Which of course meant something had to go wrong. I heard a twig snap behind me and I automatically jumped up.  "What's wrong nico?"will asked standing up. "Shh. I heard something." I whispered drawing my sword as will (insert what wills weapon is here cuz I forgot). We stood back to back trying to figure out what the sound was. Suddenly I heard a scream from will, I turned quickly to see that the hell Hound had slammed him against a tree and put a deep gash in his fore head all in the time it took me to turn around. Will stood up and moved towards the hell Hound just as I swung my sword at it. The hell hound ducked away at the last second and my sword sliced into wills abdomen. He fell back and hit his head hard against a rock knocking him out. "WILL!" I yelled running over and kneeling beside him checking his pulse. He was alive. For now. I got a surge of angry strength and I lunged at the hell Hound slashing it's side. It growled and bit my arm. "ARGH" I cried out in pain. I swung again this time managing to stab it's neck. right before it died it managed to put a deep gash a crossed my eye and cheek. It turned to yellow dust and I immediately ran over to will "c - come on will! Wake up! The this isn't funny!" I stuttered. I grabbed his hand and shadow traveled us to the infirmary. "Somebody help!" I yelled and four apollo kids ran over picking will up and putting him on a bed."What happened?!" One of them,  I think her name was Jose, asked as another apollo kid tried to put a bandage over my cut, I shoved him away and answered frantically "We were in the woods looking for the hell Hound and it attacked!" They were looking at his injuries when someone I didn't know Said "but this looks like it was made by you sword!" He said glancing at my sword that I didn't notice I still had. I looked down at it as well and noticed the my knuckles were white from holding it so hard and I put it away "I - I swung at the hell Hound just as it moved towards it and it moved at the last second! He's gonna be ok right!?"I asked. "I'd love to tell you I'm sure he will nico, but I don't wanna lie to you. I really don't know." The boy said. I put my hands on my head and started pacing back and forth muttering quietly enough that no one else heard, not that they would've paid much attention anyways. "he's going to be ok nico he's gonna be fine will won't die because of you that's not gonna happen." I whispered. I continued pacing as they worked for at least four hours before Jose stood up, "that's it. All we can do now is keep him on antibiotics and hope he's ok." She said. I continued pacing. She looked at me and added "and some one get nico some ambrosia." The apollo boy I talked to before handed me a small chunk of ambrosia and I ate it. It tasted like chocolate. "Nico you need to go back to your cabin. You can Come back in the morning she said. No way. "Nope I'm staying here" I replied. "Bet you-" she began. I cut her off "I don't know if you noticed but I'm stubborn as hell. I'm a hades kid. It's in my blood." I said sitting on the bed next to wills. "Fine. You can stay. Don't let him die." She said, and with that her and the rest of the demigods in the room walked out. "Wouldn't dream of it" I whispered to myself. I pulled the bed I was sitting on closer to wills and ran my hand through his hair. "Your gonna be ok will. - you won't die..."I unintentionally slid off the bed and onto my knees. I buried my face into the crook of his neck "I'm so sorry" I whispered as tears began to fill my eyes. "Th-this is all my fault...I don't deserve you...I could live a thousand lifetimes and never deserve you."I said quietly my cheeks streaked with tears "you don't need to forgive me. I don't expect you to. I just - I just need you to wake up..."I don't remember falling asleep but apparently I did because I woke up early that morning to the sun shining in my face. It reminded me of how will was always so happy in the mornings. I wiped the sleep or if my eyes say up and looked around temporally forgetting where I was and why I was there. "Will..." I whispered as the memories Hite like a total wave of pain. That's what happened for about a week. I barely left the infirmary except to eat and change clothes. Other than that I was in there constantly probably annoying the hell out of the apollo campers. Then one night while I was sitting next to will, his eyes fluttered open. "Hi" he said causing me to jump nearly a foot ing the are "will!!!your awake!!!" I said excitedly. "Yeah. Are you one of the doctors?"he asked. I was extremely confused till I realized he was joking. Finally I get him back! I thought. I rolled my eyes still smiling "yeah I'M a doctor " I said with a hint of sarcasm in my voice. "Cool. I'm will nice to meet you." He said. Wh-what!? He's being completely serious!!! "Y-you really don't remember me?"I said my voice full of pain "should i?" He asked  "YES!"I yelled and ran out of the infirmary I rand into the woods and into the cavern on Zeus fist and screamed.

Wills pov

I was very confused. Who was that boy? As I tried to remember him a girl around my age walked in "WILL. Your awake! Where's nico? "She asked me. "The boy that was just here? Be ran off after I told him that I didn't remember him. speaking of which,  who are you?"will said. "I - I'm Jose. Your half sister?"she said. I cooked my head at her. "Uh oh. Wait did you say you told nico you didn't remember him? "She asked. "Yeah why?" I said. "Nicos your BOYFRIEND!"She replied emphasizing the last word. I didn't really know what to say so I said ".......    ....I'm gay?" I asked.

OK new plan, the end is two parts!

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