Part 5(stroke of genius title!)

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Will pov!!!
"Wow" I said. The cavern nico had shown me was, amazing. "When did you find this?" I asked. He looked around "I was looking for somewhere to sleep so I went in the cave, and here it is." He answered. "Wow" I say again. The cavern was amazing. It looked as if someone had pulled the top off and left the rest. "Want a pop?" Nico asked going over to a mini fridge and pulling out two cokes. He tossed one to me, I caught it and asked "how do you have electricity in here?" He shrugged "I have no idea. I try not to question it"i laughed and opened my coke. This place is amazing, I wonder why no ones ever found it..." I say. Nico shrugged and as he did a lock of hair fell into his face, I fought the urge to brush it away from his eye. he sat on a blanket that had apparently been there the whole time. I sat next to him and started staring off into space, trying to figure out if nicos eyes were dark dark brown or dark dark blue. "Hey! sunshine! You awake?" I hear nico say loudly causing me to jump. "huh what?"i ask and he laughs. he looks nice when he laughs. I wish he would more often. "I said, do you know what time it is?" I feel my cheeks heat up a little "uh, about 4:05. We should probably get back, its almost dinner. Which reminds me,since I can't seem to keep you in the infirmiry, your gonna be on my capture the flag team. Doctors orders" I say grinning. Nico Groans and replies "do I have to? I dont like capture The flag" I smirk at him "I guess if you'd rather spend another day in the infirmary..." He cuts me off "ok fine I'll play!" I pump my fist "victory!"I laugh as I stand up. We walk back to camp in a comfortable silence.

Sry it's short again and all wills Pov and sucks but I'm having a bit of writers block-author

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