Part 9

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Wills pov!!!

I swear Nico really needs to stop

almost dying. I don't know what I'd do with myself if he died. After he left the infirmary (awww) he insisted on trying to find be hell hound that almost killed him, "because will, it's a hell hound! If no one kills it then it'll kill someone!" He argued. I groaned "fine. But I'm coming with you." I insisted. He grinned "I was hoping you would. Come on let's go, last one to the woods is a rotten egg!" He calls over his shoulder as he runs into the woods. "Cheater!" I said as I ran after him. Nico of course got there first. he laughed a shoved me playfully. "Still think it's just luck?" He teased. "Yup. I refuse to believe anything else." I reply smiling. We walk through the woods in a comfortable silence for a while till the son of hades trips on a root. I laugh and extend my hand to help him up and he obliges "you alright death boy?" I ask. "Yeah. Studio root."he says looking frustrated and embarrassed. It was f***ing adorable. I gave another small laugh. "What?" He asks, I laughs again. "What!?" he demands I laugh once more "nothing. Your just really f***in cute when your frustrated." I answered causing Nico to go slightly red, at which I laughing again. Unfortunately I was so busy laughing that I didn't notice the branch hanging directly in front of my face. Which I walked straight into. This time it was nicos turn to laugh. "Ow..." I said rubbing my fore head. Nico laughed again "you ok?" He asked smiling. "Yeah" I replied and broke the branch of the tree (which was a bit two inches wide) and snapped it over my knee in annoyance. After we had been searching  in the woods for the hell Hound for about two hours we decided to take a break. We decided to take a break we leaned against a tree and talked about random stuff for a while when I remembered something I had brought along. "Here ya go Nico" I said pulling a candy bar out of my pocket and handing it to him. "Thanks" he said taking it. He looked happy enough that If I didn't know any better than I would guess he had never had one before. I pulled another out unwrapped it and began eating it, Nico doing the same. He then rested his head on my shoulder nibbling on the chocolate.

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