Part 7

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First, I got 1.58 k reads?!?!?! I figured I'd get ten at most! Thanks! Second,Whoops. I didn't mean to publish that last chapter and I've been having huge writers block but I'm back and I think this'll be a long chapter third, mind checking out my other story? It's a ask the demigods thing. Thanks!
Nicos pov!!!
"Your death glare doofus!" Will replied with a laugh. I rolled my eyes and checked my watch "six o'clock. We've gotta hour till capture the flag." I said. Will thought for a moment "meet me here like five minutes before the game ok?" He finally said "how come?"I asked tilting my head at the taller boy. "Just do it!" He said looking down at me. "Ok fine I'll be here." I gave in and walked to my cabin. My thoughts were clouded by a certain son of apollo as I gathered my armor "why does he like me? He could do so much better. Maybe he doesn't like me, maybe he just felt bad for me the other night...maybe-"I was muttering to myself but got cut off as Jason burst into my Cabin "hey nico guess what!" He said "ever heard of knocking grace?"I asked ignoring what he had said "nope! But guess what!" He repeated "Ugh. What is it Jason?" I said sounding exasperated "I'm on your team for capture the flag!" He said and sounded exited for some reason "you burst into my cabin just to tell me that even though I would find out in like ten minutes?" I asked "yup! See Ya" he said as he walked out. "He's easily exited isn't he?" I thought as I walked out the door.
Wills Pov!!!
[meeeeeaaaaaaan whiiiiiiiilllllle!]
I walked to the apollo cabin humming happily. I got there and the only other person in there was my half sister Jose "hey Jose what's up?" I ask. She smiles "hey will!" She says. She's been at camp for only a few months less than I have so she knows me pretty well. As I gather my armor I allowed my thoughts to wander "I wonder if Nicos actually gonna show up to play. I hope he does. Gods he's adorable when he laughs. His hair always falls into his face and I have to resist brushing it away. Maybe I can kiss him..." I thought. "Your gay?!" Jose asked loudly "and you like nico?!" She continued. I blushed a deep shade of red "what?! But-how- can you read minds or something?!" I asked frantically "dude, you were talking out loud!" She said causing me to blush even more and bite my lip "it's fine
Will, I really don't care."she said calmly. What a relief. "Really? Thanks the gods. You won't tell anyone will you?" I asked slightly worried that she would. "Swear on Styx" she replied and started looking around "have you seen my helmet?" She asked. I thought for a second "I think James put it under your bed" I reply. I check the time and I have like two minutes till I'm supposed to meat nico "gotta go, see Ya" I say as I walk out not knowing if she replied or not. "Hey death boy" I say walking over to him. "Don't call me that" he replies. "What time is it?" The Son of the death God asks. "Uh four to seven" I answer checking my watch. "Do I have to come?" He groans. I grab his arm and begin dragging him towards ctf "yes now come on! Race ya!" I say ads I run off. Nico smiles and says "your on!" Before chasing and eventually passing me. While chiron was explaining the rules I said "I totally let you win by the way" he smiles "you wish!" I open my mouth to speak when Jose says "come on guys we're starting!" Before running into the woods "rematch!" I yell and bolt into the woods. Nico beat me again. "You just got lucky Di Angelo." I say smiling "yeah right." Nico said just before chiron sounded the horn causing me to jump. Nico chuckled and ran off to his position
Nicos pov!!!
I ran off towards zues' fist where I'm positioned, when I hear twigs cracking. Thinking it's the other team i hard to investigate. A deathly growl sounded and I realized I was face to face with a hell hound. "H-hey there" I stuttered. Hell hounds usually left me alone being creatures of the underworld and all but this one looked starving and had a murderous glint in her eye. She growled and took a few steps toward me. I drew my black sword and raised it in defense taking a few steps in the opposite direction. She continued advancing but the murderous look was gone. I relaxed slightly but did not lower my sword. She padded closer to me calmly, and lunged catching me off guard. I tried to stab her but she knocked my sword away with my paw. She stood with one huge paw crushing my chest. Using the other she swiped my face cutting a deep gash in my forehead. Almost all her weight was on my chest and I couldn't breathe. She scratched another deep gash but this time in my stomach. The last thing I saw was her growling face before everything faded to black.
Hope you liked my cliff hanger! I learned from the best! *uncle rick laughs evily* up top! *me and uncle rick high five* I'm thinking of writing a wolfstar(Harry potter) fic. Wha d'ya think? Thoughts about that and this chapter in the comments please!

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