La Luna Oscura

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- a year later

"Ciao Ayla!" The elder man waves to Ayla. "Ciao Mr Rogers!" Ayla waves, tugging her bag of fresh fruit up on her shoulder as her left hand holds a bouquet of roses.

The young adult strolls peacefully down the streets of Italy, Florence. The summer sun leaving the city hot and her skin glowing. She finally got that Italian tan.

She passes a male guitarist. Smiling, she leans down putting some change into his hat down on the floor. "Grazie" He thanks happily.

Ayla smiles warmly continuing on her journey home. The skies were blue, picturesque, like a scene from a Disney film. She hums quietly so only her ears could hear, her hands rummage for her keys as she approaches the building in the corner of the small street.

La Luna Oscura, translating to The Dark Moon, she was a proud owner of the bar. She bought the place around eight/seven months ago and moved here to finally live the dream of owning a bar in Italy, just like her grams.

"Ayla!" A familiar blonde runs up to her, she rummages for her keys, briefly glancing up at him. "Hi Jacob"

"What're you doing back so quick?" He asks her following her inside. "There wasn't a rush today" She shrugs putting the roses and her bag down on a table. She takes a seat on a wooden stool and Jacob sits beside her.

"What with the roses?" He questions, she usually came back with anything other than roses.

"I like them" she shrugs.

"You never get roses"

"Am I not allowed?" She shoots back.

"Is today erm?-" he clears his throat. "Yes it's been a year" she mumbles, her fingers running over the soft red petal.

Jacob sighs softly "you know I'm here for you"

"I know" she nods finally looking up at his blue eyes. "Now, moving on. Why are you here? We don't open until six" she asks glancing down at her watch.

"A letter came for you" he picks out the folded letter from his shirt pocket, placing the creased paper in front of her.

Ayla looks down at it suspiciously. "Who's it from?"

"I'm not sure, I didn't look" he shrugs.

"Who delivered it?"

"A man, he was tall, definitely American or something, kinda pale, had a tattoo on his arm but he left so quick i couldn't make it out" he explains.

A sudden shock ran through her body. "Did he have blue eyes? Like- like really pretty, deep blue eyes?" She asks with hope.

"Couldn't see, he had a cap on" he answers disappointingly. Ayla nods taking the letter in her hands, she opens it up to see a typed up a letter and her brain turns to mush.

Today was already hard for her.

"Could you erm read it for me?" She asks timidly. "Of course" Jacob smiles taking the letter.

"Wait" he stops glancing over the words on the page. "Are you sure you want me to read it? You can go read it alone or my sister can read it for you, you know girl to girl-"

"Just read it" she tells him softly. Ayla rests her elbows on the table, her head in her hands and she takes a deep breath before Jacob begins reading.

"Dear Ayla, I know it's been a year or even more, I've lost track but I'm writing, well I'm typing this because although it's been a year I miss you so much.

Sam told me where to send this letter, I'm glad you're living your dream in Italy and plus the bar looks great. I'm happy you're happy.

I'm sorry, I'm well and truly sorry for what I did. Give me a chance to explain myself to you, please.

Meet me please, by the fountain in the middle of town, I'll be there all day so come whenever you like. Let me talk to you and let me listen to your troubles. I understand if you don't come.

I don't know what you're going through right now but trust me when I say I'm dying to know.


Jacob finishes putting the letter down and he's faced with a tearful Ayla. He simply gets up wrapping his arms around her timid body.

"Out of all the days why did he send that letter today?" She hiccups as Jacob rubs her back.

"Will you meet him?" He asks.

"I-I don't know" she sniffles. "If you do will you tell him about Ace?"

Ayla nods using her palm to wipe her nose.

"What have I got to loose?" She shrugs.

Uff hi guys, welcome to the sequel for Confessional, I hope you guys enjoy it ❤️

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