Say It Again

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"Holy fuck" Jacob grips onto Ayla's hand. "Hey we're okay, trust me after a few minutes it'll feel normal" Ayla reassures him.

"I can believe we're on a plane" he takes a deep breath.

"I know and thank you so much for coming with me" she faces him. "Anything for you" he smiles warmly.

Yes, they were on a plane. To Canada. Where Shawn lives.

Ayla had an epiphany; why should she wait any longer to tell Shawn she loves him. She's been patient, been through the pain and through hell and back. If not now then when? Well I mean she still had nine hours to get there.

"Maybe we should watch a movie or something to waste time" Ayla grabs the earphones plugging them in. "Yeah, yeah good idea" he nods, nervously grabbing the earphones.

They start watching Captain America: Civil War. And just when the action kicks in Ayla feels herself getting dizzy.

"You okay?" Jacob pauses the movie. "Erm Yeah, I just- I'm just gonna go to the bathroom" she gets up making her way to the bathroom. She did tend to get nauseous on planes but this felt worse.

Ayla shuts the door behind her, she leans against the wall taking a deep breath but then suddenly she gags, leaning over the toilet she throws up for a good five seconds which felt like forever.

"Oh fuck" she gets up flushing the toilet. Facing the mirror, she gurgles some water and presses cold water to her cheeks. Taking a few minutes to herself then she walks out.

"Erm excuse me, could I have some water" she asks the air hostess. "Of course, I'll bring it to your seat" she smiles warmly.

Ayla nods making her way back to Jacob. "So when were you gonna tell me" Jacob raises an eyebrow at her. "What?" She asks sitting back down.

"How's the bun in the oven huh?"

Ayla ignores him reaching for a cookie they bought before the flight. "Oh-" her eyes widen as she looks back up at him.

"Holy shit you think I'm... I'm cooking a bun?"

"I mean are you? Have you ever threw up on a plane?"

"I mean I have before getting a plane due to nerves and lets not forget the other factors like how I'm scared to tell Shawn I love him or how I'm going to Grams' place" Ayla quickly excuses.

"Or that you might just be pregnant?" He says softly taking her hand comfortingly.

Ayla gulps, she had no idea how to react.

Then the rest of the nine hours she was left to speculate if she was going to be a mother or not. Or how Shawn would react or what they would do. Would she leave Italy or would Shawn leave Canada?

"I'm doing the right thing aren't I?" Ayla asks Jacob. They made to her apartment, now sat opposite each other.

"Ayla, when you look at him do you see a future?" Jacob asks softly. "I do" Ayla nods. "I know he probably loves me more than I love him but I can't stop thinking about him. I just want to lay with him and have him hold me at the end of a long day"

Jacob softly takes her hands. "I think you know"

"For gods sake" Shawn mumbles. He throws a pillow over his head but the knocking continues. He groggily gets up, grabbing a shirt to put on as he trudges towards the door.

He swings the door open "I don't want to buy your cookies- oh" he cuts himself off.

"Hi" Ayla takes a deep breath in. "Wh-what? Why-oh my god-" he pulls her into a hug, squashing her body against his. Ayla grins, closing her eyes as she embraces his body.

She let her hands feel around his muscly back, let her body melt into his, let herself be held by his loving arms. She relaxed at his touch. His arms felt like home, as if she had been wrapped up in a blanket of safety and she couldn't wait to say the words Shawn had been longing to head.

"I love you"

Shawn's heart combusted. His stomach had flipped and it seemed his world became hers within seconds.

He pulls back, teary eyes meeting hers. His hands cradle her cheeks lovingly. "You do?"

She nods letting a few tears stroll down her cheeks. "Say it again" he tells her excitedly.

"I love you"

"One more time"

She chuckles moving closer to his lips. "I love you Shawn Mendes, I love you so much, I love you more than stars in the sky, I love you more than I love the moon-"

"Fuck, I love you too" He suddenly sweeps her up. Twirling her around, laughing with pure joy. He kicks the door shut and runs to the his bedroom, gently putting her down on his soft mattress. Her hair messily surrounds her head, her dress risen higher and her cheeks blush as she smiles so hard that it hurts but she doesn't care.

Shawn hovers over her carefully. "I love you" he giggles adorably, sending her into a frenzy. She cups his cheeks and his nose gently nudges hers. His loving, warm eyes stay stuck on hers.

"I have something else to tell you- I mean I hate to ruin the moment" she chuckles nervously. "Anything, fuck I love you so much that I don't even care what it is" he says kissing her cheek.

"Well on the way here- well actually I tend to get sick before flying because I get all anxious and- well... Jacob thinks I might be pregnant" she says all too quickly.

Shawn's hands suddenly stop roaming her body. "Mine-"

"Yes of course, obviously, yours"

For a short second she felt like her world had come crashing down and it burned and she died, those dramatic feelings.

"Have you taken a test?"

She shakes her head no. "I'm scared" she whispers, her eyes innocently looking into Shawn's as if he was the answer to her problems, as if he was the angel on her shoulder.

His eyes soften "I'm here all the way, pregnant or not"

Ayla lets out a shaky breath. "We need to get a test then" she says. "Yeah but let's just have this moment right now" he pecks her lips.

"Three long years I've loved you Ayla Storm. I'd do it all again-"

She giggles bringing her hands to mess with his shirt. "Really?"

"Okay maybe not all of it but running into you on your first night here was the highlight of my life, three years ago when you had that one coffee with me was the best coffee I had, all those times you cared for me as a friend soon made me realise that I don't just love you like that, I love you as my best friend too, now I just get to kiss you and hold you, if you'd let me" he says all whilst keeping intense eye contact with the woman beneath him who was now softly crying, overwhelmed by the love she was feeling.

"Don't you dare let go of me" she whispers softly, pulling him closer by the grip she had on his shirt.

"I wouldn't dream of it"

And in that moment all they could do was focus on each other. And how their hearts were racing, how their minds felt peace and how loved they both felt.

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