Broken Angel

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Shawn shuffles around on the sofa, Ayla had left his arms and he suddenly shot up.

He was still outside, the heat of the morning sun radiating onto him. The birds were chirping, he could hear the music from the busker down the street and from inside he heard shuffling and incoherent mumbling.


"In here!" She shouts back. Shawn gets up stretching out his limbs, he walks in to see Ayla sat on a stool with a bunch of papers around her, a pen between her lips and her brows scrunched.

"Morning" Shawn goes up behind her, she jumps a little when his arms snake around her waist. "Morning" she leans back, her hands finding his.

"What're you doing up so early? It's- it's-"

"Seven am" she finishes off his sentence. "And I couldn't sleep and I needed a distraction so I decided to do this months bills, Jacob normally helps me but I didn't want to bother him" she tells Shawn.

"I'll help you-"

"No it's okay-"

"I want to, now you make us some coffee and I'll get started" his lips press a tender kiss to her temple. Ayla gets up facing him, she leans up on her toes and presses a kiss near his jaw.

So then shortly after Shawn sat at the island with a pen in his hands and Ayla put down a cup of coffee beside him. "Thanks gorgeous" he winks sending her stomach crazy.

She simply smiles sitting beside him. "So what part are you up to?" She asks.

"Erm the expenses, do you have like a book or something-"

"Oh yeah! It's on top of my wardrobe. Like everything I've spent money on for the bar?" She asks. "Yep, I'll get it" Shawn gets up.

"It's erm a small tan coloured book" she tells him as he walks away into her bedroom. As Ayla sits there waiting for him Shawn wanders into her bedroom.

He looks up at her wardrobe, a cardboard box sat on top of it, he reaches up pulling the box towards him by the tip of his fingers. Suddenly, he tugs too hard and the box falls with a thud, spilling everything out.

"Oh shit" he mumbles leaning down. His eyes spot a broken wooden angel. "Fuck" he shuffles the papers away then grabs the wooden pieces, as he collects the pieces he hears Ayla walk in.

"Shawn? Everything okay- oh" she cuts herself off.

Shawn looks up at her guiltily, a large piece of the wing in his hand.

"What did you do?" Her heart races rapidly as she takes it all in. "I'm sorry, I just-"

"You broke it" she mumbles falling to her knees in front of Shawn. Ayla snatches the broken angel from his hands.

Her eyes going foggy with tears and her heart aching.

"I'm sorry Ayla, I'll replace it-"

"Replace it?" She scoffs wiping her endless tears. Shawn's eyes soften when she brings the items close to her chest with one hand and with the other she moves around the papers frantically in search for something.

"No" she mumbles. "Ayla, hey calm down"

"Don't tell me to calm down!" She spits, now sobbing as she searches, eager to find something.

"Ayla" Shawn grabs her hands. "I didn't mean it-"

"You know he gave it to me" she pulls back getting up. "Now it's broken" she drops the pieces in front of Shawn and storms out in anger. Shawn quickly gets up following her but she needed space.

His hands reach for her waist, spinning her around. 

"Who gave it to you? And-and I'm sorry Ayla" he apologises again. She pulls back in anger.

"Ace did. It's the only thing I have left and you broke it! You can't fix it Shawn!" She shouts in anger.

His heart suddenly aches like hers. "I thought you were moving on" he sighs. "Maybe- maybe this happened so you can move on, move on to the next chapter Ayla"

Ayla scrunches her brows at him. "Did you just tell me to move on?" She scoffs. "Move on?... how dare you!" Her fists slam his hard chest, yet he doesn't flinch.

"Ayla, babe I didn't-"

"Stop calling me that!" She pushes away from him, a large puff of air escaping her lips. "I'm leaving" she nudges her shoulder against his walking out, not forgetting to slam the door.

Ayla had gone for a walk to calm herself down, after a good hour she realised she owed Shawn an apology for lashing out like that.

And in that hour Shawn sat criss cross on the floor with super glue and the broken angel.

Ayla opens up the door walking in. She puts her bag down taking out the paper box that had two slices of chocolate cake in it.

"Shawn?" She calls timidly, she truly felt embarrassed for how she reacted.

"Here!" He shouts from her room. Ayla walks in and her heart leaps when she sees the angel in his large hands, except this time the ornament was chipped and barely holding on.

"I tried to fix it"

Incase you didn't know or you're living under a rock let me tell you that Shawn was head over heels for Ayla. He would do anything for her, even fix her broken angel.

She sits beside him, legs dangling from the edge of the bed. Her head leans against his shoulder and Shawn lets out a shaky breath.

"I'm sorry for how I reacted" she barely whispers. "You had every right" he shows her the angel. Ayla takes it in her dainty hands, looking down at it with teary eyes.

"And I found this, you were looking for it right?" His opens up his left fist showing the the simple diamond ring.

"Oh my" she quickly reaches for it, clutching it in her hand she brings it close to her chest.

"I'm sorry Shawn-"

"You don't need to apologise-"

"But I do" she cuts him off. Swiftly, she moves down on her knees in front of Shawn, holding his hands as she looked up at him. He knew her well enough that just by looking into her eyes he could see how broken she truly was.

"He was my first everything you know and-and I feel so stupid because the minute I start letting go he comes back somehow and I know he won't, he won't ever think of me when I'm thinking of him. I need to tell you I'm sorry because even if I do fall in love with you I'm still hurting over him-"

"I get that. I know it's only been a year, it will take time-"

"So then how long will it take me?" She asks hoarsely. "I've come to terms with the fact there's no hope for me and him and I'm okay with that but I don't know how long it's going to take me to stop crying every time I see this angel or when I can throw this ring away or when I can stop thinking of him" she pours her heart out completely.

And Shawn completely understood how she was hurting. He knew he waited for her for a reason.

If you give up then you never really wanted it in the first place.

"I'm willing to wait" he joins her down on the floor cupping her cheeks lovingly.

"How long?" She whispers softly.

"Whenever you're ready. I didn't chase you all the way to Italy to give up so quick. I'm so in love with you Ayla and you said it yourself that a part of you loved me once, hold on to that, please" he lets out weakly in the end.

"I'm such a mess Shawn"

"Good thing I like cleaning up"

She looks up at him and bursts out laughing, her head nuzzling into vibrating chest as he chuckles.

"I'm so close" she clutches his shirt. "Well I'm pulling you to the end, okay?" He closes his eyes blissfully.

"Okay" Ayla nods.

I'm so in love with this book

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