Picture Perfect

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"He's handsome"

"His voice!"

"God, I wish he'd sing my children to sleep"

Ayla giggles to herself, sipping on a cocktail in a bar in France. A year later and here she is, she took the leap with Shawn and they moved to France. Sure it was hard, they argued about where the sofa would go, about bathroom space in their small apartment but then again they laughed when Shawn fell over her piles of clothes and when Ayla slipped up her French and asked the waiter for socks with a side of fries.

A year later and they've never been happier.

So here they are, Shawn was sat on a stool, his guitar in his hands as he sang a long to One Direction Little Things whilst Ayla sat close to the stage, at a table on her own as she listened to her lover sing beautifully and listened to everyone compliment him.

"Merci beaucoup and erm have a good evening" he gets up as everyone applauds. Ayla gets up clapping with joy. He goes straight to her, a hand on her waist and he leans down. She cups his cheeks kissing him shortly.

"Magnifique mon amour" She giggles, trying to put on a French accent. "Thank you" He chuckles pecking her lips.

"Let's get out of here"

Ayla nods, she grabs her jacket and purse as Shawn puts his guitar on his back. He meets her at the entrance and takes her hand as they walk through the streets of Paris to their home.

"Ooh lets get ice cream" she tugs his hand towards the ice cream parlour. "I'm tired" Shawn holds her back.

"Even for ice cream?"

"I wanna go home with you and get in bed and make some lo-"

"So you're not tired for sex?" She raises an eyebrow. "Well we can be lazy with it"

"Oh god, I'm gonna go get some ice cream and you can go home"

"But-but okay fine. Be quick and I love you" He kisses her cheek tenderly. "I love you too"

"I have work tomorrow" Ayla groans nuzzling into Shawn's side. "Me too" he sighs keeping her close. She brings her hand up feeding him a spoonful of ice cream that she had to put in the freezer because Shawn literally picked her up and brought her to their bed as soon as she  walked in.

Now they're naked under the sheets, legs woven and warm skin touching each other as she feeds him ice cream.

"You still wanna meet for lunch?" She asks.

"Obviously, then after we'll go on a date"

"A date?" Ayla asks sitting up whilst taking a spoonful of ice cream. "Yeah, it's been a while and we've both been so busy" Shawn replies smugly.

"Okay then, I'll try to get off early"

"I'll try too, that Tyler is a pain in the ass" Shawn chuckles. Ayla giggles before replying with "I'll come beat him up for you"

"Thanks babe but you couldn't even open a jar of Nutella this morning"

"Hey!" She pokes his side. "I was tired and kinda drunk" she giggles. "At ten am?" Shawn asks.

"Well duh we had that bottle of champagne and it was just screaming at me to drink it"

"Okay crazy, now go to sleep I can't deal with how grumpy you are in the morning" Shawn kisses her sweet lips, a tinge of strawberry on them from the ice cream.

Mornings were chaos and more. After a hundred alarms they were both up and in the bathroom. They showered together first.

"Get my back please, honey" Shawn asks Ayla turning around. Instead she leans her body against his hugging him tightly as she kisses his damp skin. Shawn chuckles and decides to just hold her and savour her being so cuddly.

Then they're finally done, Shawn presses sloppy kisses down Aylas neck, his warm hands gently wrapping around her neck to hold her still as she tugs on her skirt and Shawn's shirt that she tucks in and pulls down from her shoulder to show her peachy coloured bralette.

"Not now baby, go make breakfast" Ayla groans.

"I want you so bad" he whines playfully against her jaw, "but you go, I gotta change" he moves back removing his towel, a smirk rising on his lips as he stands there in all his glory. Ayla giggles smacking his chest. "Hurry"

She walks out prepping a cup of coffee for them and some avocado on toast.

"Baby! Where's my wallet?"

"Here!" Ayla shouts back as Shawn walks in, dressed in black jeans with a short sleeved white tee tucked in and his worn out black boots. He pecks her lips then takes the coffee mug from her hands as Ayla goes to take two bites out of the toast then they swap.

"This tastes horrible" Shawn spits it out. "No it doesn't! This is why you should've made it, I only eat avocado because you do" She says sassily, rolling her eyes.

"You love avocado toast!" Shawn says in defence.

"No I don't"

"You do"

"I don't"

"You do"

"Only when you make it" she takes the coffee back taking the last few sips as she keeps a set of flirty eyes on her lover.

"I love you" Shawn grabs her hips pulling her closer.

"I love you even more" she hops up on the counter. "We don't have time for this" Shawn mumbles but contradicts himself by leaning in to her lips. "What? You need more than ten minutes to make me-"

Shawn shuts her up with a kiss. "I love when you taste like coffee" he grins cheekily.

Ten minutes later they're rushing out the door. "Safety first" Shawn puts the helmet over her head then buckles it. "You too mister" she tells him. Shawn winks at her making her cheeks rise pink.

He puts the helmet on then gets on the motorbike. Ayla gets on behind him, her arms wrapping around his body.

"Step on it baby, we're already like ten minutes late" she tells him. "I'm trying" He chuckles speeding up. He hears her shriek and tighten her arms around his body, his heart was pounding with love for her.

Suddenly they come to a stop. "Go, go, go!" Shawn exclaims. Ayla gets off the bike putting her helmet on the back. She stops in front of him and Shawn pulls her in by her waist so her legs are between his large thigh.

"Take it off so I can kiss you" she giggles. Shawn does as she says, quickly and eagerly taking the helmet off. As soon as it's gone Ayla grabs his face, squishing his cheeks a little as she kisses him sweetly. Shawn hums against her, feeling her tongue find his.

His arm tightens around her, his thigh pushing up making her let out a subtle moan. Ayla pulls back in embarrassment. "Meet me at lunch please" her hips move forward against his jean clad thighs.

"Sure will baby" he grins kissing her once more. "Now go, you're already late" he chuckles.

"Fine, I'll be thinking of you all day" she giggles pulling her body away from his thigh and her lips away from his, pulling her skirt down to the right length.

"I love you and have a good day!" She shouts running into the wine shop where she worked all day.

"I love you too!" Shawn shouts watching her safely get in the shop. He parks his bike on the opposite side of the street where he worked, a vinyl store, it sold more than vinyls but it was what they were known for. He couldn't even shake away the thought of his girl all day.

This is what life looked like for them now and it was picture perfect.

Are you ready for a three-part-long-ass epilogue?

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