How you meet

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I was hanging out with my friends, in some abandoned building.

"Hahha bro do this if your gay" one of my friends say.

I look down and scratch the back of my head.

"Heh, your really funny" I say pulling down my (f/c) hoodie.

This was an on going thing with my friends. Do this if you're gay or this if your straight. I felt sad about it but decided not to say anything.

I walk off to go pee, in a stall and see someone there. 'shit' i think.

"Well ,well what do we have here.
A boy 18 or no less, walking around with his idiot friends." He say, he had long black hair and a blue shirt, brown jeans and scars on his face.

I've always been a sucker for a bad boy.

"Uh, yeah I just had to pee. And what are you doing here?" I ask and well tell him.

"These are scars from survival I had to be the perfect doll, and well I guess I'm not the perfect doll to say the least." He says,

I look at him and straight up asks

"Are you gay or maybe bisexual?"

I prepare fro the string of rejection.

"Yeah I guess I'm what people call a homosexual" he says.

I breath In and smile.

"Wanna talk another time maybe at my house?" I ask again.

"Yes, doll I would enjoy that very much"

Homicidal Liu

I was walking with my big sister from the mall back to my house.

We took the short cut down a dirt road, to get there so we can try on our new cloths.

"OMG, (y/n) we are gonna be the hottest bitches on the block" she says, her red lips formed into a smile.

"I know sis, I can't believe they had a sale on a Monday!" I say back. Moving my (h/c) out of my face.

Just then my sister's Friends pull up in there car and say.

"Get your ass in here girl"

"I can't I'm walking home with my brother" my sister says in disappointment.

I pay her on the shoulder and say
" Sis I'm going to walk home and get some exercise,go hang with your friends" I say giving her a smile.

She kisses my cheek and got in the car.

"Byyyeeee bub be back soon"

I roll my eyes and walk home, I end up tripping amd dropping my stuff.

"Crap" i say. I then see two big black boots from my veiw of looking down.

"Need a hand ?" He says picking up my bag, only for my lacy underwear to fall out. I cheeks flush as I pick them up quickly.

"Uh those are m-my sisters" I say looking down.

I hear him chuckle and put his hand on my shoulder. I look at his beautiful eyes, as he says something that made my eyes go wide.

"You'll look good in them, call me"

He then slips his number into my hand and walks off.

I gulp and scream into my hands.

Ticci toby

I was sitting in the woods drawing. It was peaceful and the sound of nature made it so nice.

I look at my pencil amd tap it against the sketch pad.

I set it down as I go and pee and when i come back I see a boy looking at my sketches.

He then looks at the cover of my rainbow heart that I painted on.

I look down as I try to get my sketch book.

"Please give it back" I say.

He lift it above me and says

"Only if you come back and talk to me. I get lonely out here."

I feel bad as I agree
"Yes, I will come back just please give it back there is uh private stuff in there" I say.

He nods and tosses it to me.

" Remember meet me back here or I will show up at your house "

Jason the toymaker

I was having fun with my phone following my Slenderman game. I was playing it and ended up deeper in the woods than i would have hoped for.

I look to see it's evening and I remember I have to go to a wedding tomorrow.

"Well fuck me running" I say, heading towards what I think to be the right direction.

I end up seeing a man in a frilly coat and top hat. I think nothing of it, the thought of him just cosplaying went through my head.

I walk over to him, and tap on his shoulder.

"Don't touch me you stupid slut" he says not even looking at me.
He then turns around.

"Oh my I'm sorry, what a naughty boy I am. He says giving me a smile. I give him a nervous smile as I ask.

"Were is the way out?" I ask.

"Go straight for a for a half a mile and you'll be safe at home in you snuggly p.js. but maybe you should come back amd see this toymaker" he says

I smile and get seduced by his smooth voice and very handsome looks.

Eyeless jack.

I was hanging out in the ally way playing on my phone. 

I then hear a sound coming from the further down part. I go to investigate and see a boy there with black eye sockets and a grey hoodie, his skin was chipped and different shades of grey.

I step back until I hear a step on a soda can making a loud sound; getting his attention in the process.

"Who's there?! Give me my mask! I will cut you amd devour you!" He says falling to his knees to find his mask.

It seems like he can't see with our his mask. I pick it up and place it in his hands.

"Here" I say latching it to him.

"Thanks human, what can I call you human?" He says back up and adjusting his mask.

"My names y/n, what's yours ?" I ask.

"Evan, you can call me jack tho it's what everyone else calls me"
He says. I flush pink as I head out.

"Will you be here tomorrow?" I ask, hopefully it was a yes.

"Yeah i will make plans for that"

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