Chapter Five.

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"Oh my god. Colby, sweetheart, let's get you to bed." I heard Leighla's voice somewhere in the room. I couldn't see. The lights were all off and it was nighttime. I was lying on the couch staring at a blank tv screen, still heavily drunk. I managed one word out of my mouth, "No.." She ignored that and set her purse down then walked over to me. She grabbed both of my hands dragging me to my feet but that failed because I felt right back down to the floor. "Shit, Colby!" I shook my head and kept my head against the cold tile on the floor mumbling, "Just leave me here, Leighla. Leave me here to rot."

"Don't be ridiculous. Come on babe."
She started to drag me to my feet and I didn't fight her on it. Too tired. She put my arm around her neck and held her arm around my waist helping me walk to the back. "I'm so probably hate me, I'm sorry." She sighed and shook her head, "No, no. I can't hate you but you have got to stop drowning your problems in alcohol before we have to bury you next." I scoffed, "You say that like its a bad thing." "Would you please stop?" I turned to her. "Stop?" "Yes. Colby, you have to move on from this. You can't keep torturing yourself over this and I know it's going to be hard but remember wrestling? Wrestling is your passion. Focus on that."

So that's what I did. Well, sorta. I went to the performance center and worked on my wrestling. I did my usual Crossfit routine. I did everything I did as if Jon were still here. Sometimes, he'd appear just in the middle of my training and give me tips on what I should do and how I should do it. I lived life like it was normal when it clearly was not. The board told me if I needed time off to deal with Ambrose's death I could take off. But I chose not to. Roman, however, did. I heard him say that stepping into that ring just didn't feel right anymore so he's gonna take an entire year off. My poor big brother. I haven't spoke with him since the funeral.

Renee Young, or should I say Renee Good, took the year off just like Roman did. I don't know her reasons but they're pretty clear. She'd been interviewing The Shield since the start and I guess things would get hard to interview anybody anymore. Especially me. That, and she found out she was pregnant, which made things emotionally draining. This can't be what she pictured. A dead husband and a baby to raise on her own. A baby her husband didn't realize she was going to have because maybe then, that would've saved his life. Renee talks to Leighla a lot but to me none. She's still pissed over the whole funeral episode.

I'm not sure if you realize this but the death of Dean Ambrose has affected several superstars and crew members. Even Hunter is in some sort of daze. I bet he regrets every disgusting thing he's ever said about Dean. Lord knows I do. Dean was a huge flirt so when news broke about his death, every diva teared up. Every. Single. One. Especially Aj Lee. Dean was her favorite Shield member and one of her dreams was to work with him. Not necessarily in a romantic way but as a partner in the ring or something. Aj wouldn't wrestle for four weeks straight. All she did was cry. I asked Jon about it one time when he appeared and he told me that before, they'd plan to work together as a tag team. I frowned. I killed her dream.

Being Seth Rollins, the guy who drove Dean Ambrose to killing himself, isn't easy. I'm constantly threatened by fans. I was attacked by several of them and have been called all sorts of names I deserve. They stung the most when some of these fans I recognized as The Shield fans. I killed Ambrose and I made Roman disappear. I made Renee practically quit and I made one of their top WWE divas simply not compete as much. Bayley, an NXT rookie, didn't smile anymore either. Ambrose always referred to her as his "little sister" and that once she got called up to main roster, he'd protect her. So I'm also responsible for killing Bayley's joy. If you'd seen Bayley's joy, you'd see how difficult that task is. But I killed it. It was me. I had sold my soul to the devil and in return, he took my brother away from me.

"Dammit Colby, you've been staring at that pizza for centuries now. Are you gonna put it on your plate or not?" I was in catering fixing my plate. I jumped out of my thoughts and turned around to the person behind me. Natalya. I looked back at the pizza, "Uh no. You can have it." "That's all you had to say." I watched her jump in front of me and grab the slice I was apparently staring at. She grabbed some chips and some water then she walked away to her table. I just started grabbing stuff. That was the first time anyone's spoken directly to me happened. It felt nice even though she was insulting me basically.

I turned back around when I thought I had enough and scanned the room trying to figure out where exactly I was going to sit. This had been one of many struggles from the moment the news broke out about Dean. If I couldn't find anywhere, I just took it to my locker room. My locker room was the only safe place I had. The Authority is who I could have sat with but they don't go to catering. They eat whenever. I still wanted to feel normal so I choose to go here even though it's like preschool. I'm that kid in dodgeball that's chosen last because he's no good. I'm the smelly kid on the bus that no one sits with. I'm the slow kid in the classroom that no one wants to read or ask questions. I'm the new guy that everyone's heard rumors about that simply are not true. Backstage was like high school with the rumors, the gossip, the hookups, breakups, jocks, etcetera. The cliques still amaze me. If I was still with The Shield, I would still be apart of the bad boys. Now, I'm just a murderer.

I sat down at the table farthest away from everyone else and started eating. All eyes were on me as if I was just gonna whip out a Ak47 and play target practice. I frowned as I ate and looked around at everyone. I saw mumbling and pointing in my direction, I saw familiar glares, I saw familiar fear, the usual. I wish I could begin to explain my side of the story. I'm sure if they heard it, they'd look at me differently. This tension whenever I'm around would simply be erased. But no. That's not how it's going to be. "I'm sorry you have to go through this, buddy." I heard Ambrose say in my head. I sighed, "Me too."

Alone I sat there for about twenty minutes until it suddenly got dark. A huge shadow came over me so I turned around. Brock Lesnar. The World Heavyweight Champion who at any point I can cash in on with my Money in the Bank briefcase. I swallowed and he smirked, "How's it feel?" "H-How's what feel?" I stuttered. This guy was even more intimidating then Roman. "How's it feel to be a murderer?" "I didn't kill anybody.." I whispered. That felt weird to say out loud. "You're right. You didn't. Ambrose was a ticking time bomb. He was a nobody." I stood up shaking my head, "Ambrose was my brother! He meant the world to me! You won't understand! None of you will!"

Any other day, I would've been afraid of him but I'm tired of this shit. Being the outcast isn't fun. I hate it. It's like life is going on around you but you're stuck. You're stuck and there's no way out. Before I knew what was happening, Brock swung at me and I was on the ground. Have you ever been punched by Brock Lesnar? I'm always getting busted in the face but this guy's punched packed some serious power. But I wasn't gonna lie there and let him beat me up. Looks like I'm fighting. I stood up and tackled him into the wall, which is a lot harder then it looks, and started swinging. Everyone around us got up trying pull us apart but it was useless. Oh, so now they wanna go near me? Great.

Brock and I fought for all but three minutes when it felt like ten. I got a few good hits in his nose but I was probably receiving the worst of this fight. I can take it. I'm a tough guy. Brock broke through the sea of superstars and charged toward me when someone shoved me out of the way, kicking Brock in the skull, that sent Brock onto the ground quickly...
Any guesses on who just saved Seth?
If not, find out on the next update.

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